Chapter 183
Chu Huaijin opened her eyes, and after the confusion, gradually focused, she frowned slightly, and immediately glanced at Weiwei.

After confirming that she was not awakened, he carefully let go of her hand, stood up, and pulled Yan Yiren out.

Outside the corridor, Chu Huaijin leaned against the wall, lowered her head, and lit a cigar.

The sparks flickered, flickering, and he exhaled a puff of smoke, squinting his eyes slightly, "Why are you here?"

Yan Yiren leaned against the wall opposite him, folded his arms around his chest, raised his chin, and said bluntly, "Cha Gang."

"Chagang? Just you?" Chu Huaijin seemed to have heard some joke, and choked on a cigarette in a hurry.

"What's the matter with me?" Yan Yiren puffed up her chest and straightened her face, "What kind of eyes do you have? Are you insulting me? Or are you laughing at me?"

"Ga despises you."

Yan Yiren: "..."

After calming down for three seconds, her anger broke through the gate of reason, she rushed forward, opened her mouth and bit.

"Don't make trouble."

Chu Huaijin was holding a cigar in one hand and resting on her forehead with the other. Relying on her height and long arms, Yan Yiren couldn't touch his body even though her limbs fluttered about.

The Yanyi people are like a Spanish duel bull with red eyes, thumping more vigorously.

On the other hand, Young Master Chu looked like he was watching a circus performance, with a smile on his lips, smoking a cigar comfortably from time to time.

Arms were sore and weak, exhausted, Yan Yiren was defeated.

He glared at him resentfully, retreated to the wall, panting.

A corridor away, she breathed unsteadily, and asked, "What's your relationship with Weiwei?"

Young Master Chu dusted off the cigarette ash, "Guess."

"Guess your uncle! I can guess it, but I still need to ask you?"

Chu Huaijin frowned slightly, "No swearing is allowed."

Yan Yiren's face turned red, and just as she was about to talk back, she heard Young Master Chu say slowly, "If you swear, your family will take care of you."

"What, what family law?"

"What do you think?" The end sound rose, Chu Huaijin's handsome face was dazzling and coquettish.

"If I knew, I wouldn't bother to ask you."

Chu Huaijin was smoking a cigar, puffing out the clouds, and his dark and deep eyes looked at her from time to time.

The atmosphere is a little delicate and a little awkward.

"Cough." Yan Yiren cleared her throat, "Don't distract yourself, you haven't told me who Weiwei is yet."

"Weiwei's full name is Chu Yuwei, who do you think she is mine?"

"Your sister?" Yan Yiren opened his mouth slightly, with a suspicious look on his face.

"Why, don't believe me?"

Yan Yiren muttered, and rolled his eyes at him, "Do you want to listen to the truth or lie?"

"Oh." He chuckled, "The meaning of lies is nothing more than self-deception, why should you listen?"

"The truth is, I don't believe it."


"It's simple, you two don't look alike."

"Vivi looks like my mother, and I look like my father."

Yan Yiren secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be really my sister-in-law!

When the doubts were resolved, Yan Yiren immediately rushed over and plunged into his arms.

Acting like a baby, "Husband, your arm is so sore, why don't you rub it?"

There was no embarrassment and hostility just now.

"Get lost!" Chu Huaijin laughed angrily, "Stop pretending to be pitiful here."

Yan Yiren raised her head, blinked her eyes, "Is it okay to be cute?"

"Are you going to sell me one?"

Red lips parted into a smile, eyes narrowed, and he uttered a word crisply, "Cute!"

"Cute your head."

Chu Huaijin turned around and went downstairs, Yan Yiren held his hand reluctantly, "Am I not cute? Tell me what you say. Do you dare to say that I am not cute..."

(End of this chapter)

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