Chapter 185 Unexpectedly
"You want to die, don't you understand?"

Ji Hanjiang nodded, took out his mobile phone, and opened the text message Yan Yiren sent him with a screenshot. The mobile phone hit her face, "Open your eyes wide and see clearly!"

With a pain in his face, Ling Yunhuan caught the phone in a hurry, glanced at the content on it, and his face turned pale in an instant.

"No, Han Jiang, listen to my explanation...I didn't do this, it wasn't me..." She explained palely with trembling lips.

"The phone number is not yours?"

"The phone number is indeed mine, but I didn't send it, I swear!"

Ji Hanjiang ruthlessly grabbed her neck, "Full of lies!"

"No, it's really not me..."

"Not you? Besides you, is there a third person who knows these things?"

The provocative text message Yan Yiren received contained that Ling Yunhuan and Ji Hanjiang were in the bathroom of the restaurant, under his desk, and relieved him in front of her.

What's more, during the week of their cold war, Ji Hanjiang stayed in her apartment and hung out with her for a week.

After Ling Yunhuan panicked, she grasped the point, "Han Jiang, have you found Yi Ren?!"

"You don't want me to find her?"

"No, no, of course I want you to find her. I'm just worried about her health, is she okay?"

"You don't deserve to know!"

Ji Hanjiang pointed at the tip of her nose and warned: "If you dare to harass Yi Ren again, I will not let you go!"

"I swear, I didn't…"

"Of course you dare to say that you didn't. She doesn't know that the person who sent the text message is you. Once she knows, you don't want to stay in Ningcheng any longer."

Ji Hanjiang left, Ling Yunhuan touched his face, thinking of his cruelty, he was still trembling until now.

Yan Yiren found it, so what about her?
What should she do?
Ling Yunhuan called Ji's mother and tried to find out, but she was tricked out.

Yan Yiren is still alive, but he was kidnapped in a villa in the eastern suburbs and lost a piece of memory.

Lost a memory?
Ling Yunhuan hung up the phone, that would be easy.

I am not afraid that she is alive, but I am afraid that she will come back alive with complete memories.

Covering her unpronounced belly with one hand, now, she not only has to think for herself, but also for the child in her stomach.


Ji Hanjiang is ashamed of Yan Yiren, he has an inescapable responsibility for what she has suffered now.

If it hadn't been for his ineffective care and letting her run out of the hospital alone, she would not have been arrested and taken to the Dongjiao villa.

Now in dire straits.

Behind Ji's father's back, he secretly donated all of his Ji's shares to Sang Liang.

In order to show his determination to redeem Yan Yiren.

Sang Liang agreed to see him because of the gift of shares.
The hall of the villa in the eastern suburbs.

There is no magnificent decoration, but the low-key mahogany, which shows the charm in its calmness.

Sang Liang held the teacup and took a sip, "I have seen Ji Shao's sincerity."

Ji Hanjiang sat still, "I want to see Yi Ren."

"No rush." ​​Sang Liang put down his teacup, "When Ji Shao gives me the entire Ji family, that's when Yan Yiren returns to Ji Shao."

Ji Hanjiang clenched his fists forbearance, "You are a lion!"

What he wants is his bankruptcy!

"Will that season less satisfy my appetite?"

Ji Hanjiang gritted his teeth, and his head began to ache. Behind him were guards with live ammunition, and he did not dare to act rashly.

There is no capital to compete with him.

"Are you not afraid that I will bring things to the capital?"

Sang Liang laughed, calmly, "Ji Shao has been in the shopping mall for a few years, but he is still so naive. I didn't expect it."

(End of this chapter)

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