Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 191 Why did you move her?

Chapter 191 Why did you move her?

Speaking of this, Ji's mother was almost furious, "Han Jiang was really drunk by her!"

Ling Yun's heart skipped a beat, with a bad premonition, "What happened?"

"Han Jiang donated all the Ji's shares under his name to save Yan Yiren!"

"My God..." Ling Yunhuan leaned on the sofa with a pale face. How much would the Ji's shares under his name be discounted at the current stock price?
For Yan Yiren, did he really give away the shares without blinking an eye?

"Then... have Yan Yiren been rescued now?" She almost finished speaking tremblingly.

Yanyiren, Yanyiren is Yanyiren again!

Will she be living in Yan Yiren's shadow all her life?

Not reconciled, she is not reconciled!

"It would be fine if the other party is willing to stop."

Mother Ji's face turned red with anger, and she managed to calm down after drinking a few sips of water. She looked at Ling Yunhuan carefully, "You have been with Han Jiang for a few years, and you have all the opportunities and conditions. Ling Yunhuan, why are you so unreasonable?" Fighting, as long as you have some ability, Han Jiang will not be fascinated by Yan Yiren today."


"But it's true. With Yan Yi people as a comparison, you can only be regarded as a side dish at best. No wonder Han Jiang doesn't like you." Ji's mother almost made up for Ling Yunhuan's bleeding heart.

Ling Yunhuan was so angry that his face turned green and white, and he smiled dryly, "If Yan Yiren is really capable, Han Jiang will not keep touching her, but choose my bowl of porridge. Han Jiang is just not reconciled, waiting for the child to be born In the end, I believe he will take it easy."

Ji's mother sneered contemptuously, "I hope so."

"Master, you are back."

As soon as the servant's voice sounded, Ji Hanjiang rushed in aggressively.

Ling Yunhuan couldn't hide her joy, Ji Mu smiled kindly and stood up, "Han Jiang, why are you back at this point?"

Ji Hanjiang stared viciously at Ji's mother, then at Ling Yunhuan, and said, "I was looking for you just now, and you are all here."

"Han Jiang, don't be so fierce, what can't you say well? You will scare Auntie." Ling Yunhuan stood up pretending to be considerate, and supported Ji's mother modestly.

"You vicious woman!"

Ji Hanjiang punched, and Ling Yunhuan was knocked down on the sofa, his face swollen instantly.

"Oh!" Ji's mother exclaimed helplessly, "Han Jiang, what are you doing? She's still pregnant with your child!"

"Mom, you have a part too!" Ji Hanjiang pointed at the tip of Ji's mother's nose, exhaling disorderly, "Yiren didn't push you down the stairs at all, you fell it yourself, didn't you?"

"Han Jiang, are you crazy?!" Ji Mu roared with guilt.

"It's a scam to break your leg!" Ji Hanjiang smashed everything on the coffee table.

Ji's mother carefully protected Ling Yunhuan, and the two huddled on the sofa tremblingly.

"You, and you!" He pointed viciously at Ji Mu, and then at Ling Yunhuan, "Bringing murder to kill, you guys are so good! Really good!"

"What are you paying to kill? Han Jiang, who are you listening to nonsense?"

As soon as Ji's mother finished speaking, Ji Hanjiang went crazy. He rushed over, grabbed her shoulders, and shook her vigorously, "Mom, how did Yi Ren offend you, and you insisted on putting her to death? Her fault is, You shouldn't be in love with me, kill me if you want to, and come to me if you have something to do! Why do you want to touch her, why do you want to touch her?!"

"Han Jiang, let go..."

Ji Mu was shaken dizzily and slapped his hand hard.

【Today is a bit late, good night~】

(End of this chapter)

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