Chapter 206 Revenge
Chen Ce defended Yan Yiren, "Perhaps the young lady didn't expect that Ling Yunhuan would never be a mother in this life."

"Do you think she didn't think of this level?" Chu Huaijin held a cigar between her slender fingertips.

His thin crimson lips exhaled white smoke rings, and in the haze of smoke, his handsome face was undiminished.

There is quite the temptation of abstinence.

Chen Ce couldn't answer, he couldn't figure out Yan Yiren's temperament.

After dusting off the cigarette ash, Chu Huaijin said impatiently, "Where is the man, why haven't you brought him back yet?"

"Young Madam, I heard that you were losing your temper, so you hid in Ling Yunhuan's apartment again."

"This untidy woman!" Chu Huaijin laughed out loud with a 'huh'.

He took out his cell phone and made a call to Pei Hongqin.


After dinner, Ji Hanjiang proposed to go to the movies, but Yan Yiren refused decisively.

She still wants to go back to show her affection, Ling Yunhuan is so mad, how can she waste time watching movies?
The two immediately went back to the apartment, Ling Yunhuan lay weakly on the bed, didn't drink a sip of water, and couldn't eat dinner.

Yan Yiren opened the door a little, glanced at it, and closed it again.

"Shh! Huanhuan is asleep, let's not bother her to rest."

"Yeah." Ji Hanjiang felt that she was extremely understanding.

This idiot only thinks about others, and never thinks that her kindness may not be exchanged for other people's kindness.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the doorbell rang, very quickly, one after another.

A group of people in uniform began to knock on the door impatiently, "Open the door, check the water meter!"

Ji Hanjiang opened the door, and before he asked what water meter to check, people in uniforms rushed away.

Just take Ji Hanjiang and Yan Yiren away together.

The two were escorted into the car, and Ji Hanjiang was sent to the police|station. After Yan Yiren got into the car, he realized that something was wrong.

"Aren't you Third Young Master Pei?" She rubbed her wrist, raised her chin too much, and looked at Pei Hongqin.

"Little beauty remember me?"

Pei Hongqin flirtatiously flirtatiously winked over her, and followed her fingertips to cover her face, "She is really a beauty, no wonder she can handle Ah Jin."


Yan Yiren slapped his frivolous fingers away angrily, and squinted at him, "A friend's wife should not be bullied, you know?"

"Tsk tsk." Pei Hongqin grasped her soft little hand, "A Jin is a guy with a weird temper, why don't you follow me, huh?"

Yan Yiren withdrew her hand, and shook it in disgust, "You are the one with a bad temper, stop slandering my husband. Otherwise, I will never end with you, you, understand?"

"Heh." Pei Hongqin touched the tip of his nose, pushed the door and got out of the car.

The car stopped at some point, and when Yan Yiren was puzzled, Phoebe jumped into the car and rushed towards her.


Yan Yiren hugged this fluffy beautiful cat in surprise, and pressed his head against its head, rubbing and rubbing, "I miss you a little bit, little guy."

"what about me?"

As soon as the car body sank, Master Chu's voice rang in his ears, Yan Yiren was startled, and cried out inwardly.

Before he could run away in a hurry, Chu Huaijin pinned him down. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled wickedly, "Yan Yiren, you've lost your ambition, huh?"

"Husband~" Yan Yiren flattened her mouth pitifully, her eyes were wet, "I'm not busy with revenge, it's understandable, isn't it?"

"Revenge?" Chu Huaijin clasped the back of her head with a palm, "You have the nerve to say it!"

"Oh! It hurts like hell."

Yan Yiren covered the back of her head and muttered, "I'm not ashamed to say anything, I am."

【Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, babies~good night~】

(End of this chapter)

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