Chapter 246
Finally, after breakfast was over, she was relieved and ready to leave.

As soon as he stood up, Chu Huaijin grabbed his wrist, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Where are you going to run?"

"Go back to the bedroom and sleep in the cage." Yan Yiren said calmly, but he tried to break his hand vigorously.

let go, let go of me!
Chu Huaijin lowered her head to see her wrestling her hand. With a chuckle, she squeezed her tighter, "I've forgotten what I told you?"

Yan Yiren looked at the sky, "Did you tell me anything? Oh, sorry, I forgot."

If you don't want to answer the question, just pretend to be stupid.

His forehead was knocked coldly.

Yan Yiren let out a 'hiss' from the pain, and stared at him unhappily, a pair of beautiful watery eyes filled with accusations of 'why did you hit me'.

Pulling her out, Chu Huaijin's magnetic voice was still so touching, but why did the words he said deserve such a beating?
He said, "It doesn't matter if you forget, I will let you remember. Huh? You are going to wear this outfit. Since it is your decision, well, I respect your aesthetics. Although the aesthetics deviate from the public standards, But, as a husband, I'm not too good at laughing at you."

What does it mean to deviate from the public aesthetic?

Yan Yiren lowered her head and glanced at what she was wearing, light pink home clothes, and two cute rabbit ears on the hat.

Where did it deviate from the public aesthetic?
very cute

Although she doesn't follow the cute style, women are by nature so that they have no resistance to cute things.

"Chu, Huai, Jin!" Yan Yiren gritted his teeth and grabbed his hand, stuck in place, not going away.

Angry, unhappy, she has a little mood!
Fang Hong was on the side, and reminded without emotion, "Young Madam, it's better not to call the young master by his name."

"Steward Fang, you bully me too."

Fang Hong remained expressionless, "Young Madam misunderstood."

Seeing that his steamed stuffed bun was blowing up like a balloon, Young Master Chu had no choice but to appease him.

Touch your head, rub your face, scratch your chin...


Yan Yiren sat proudly on the sofa, folded her hands on her chest, and snorted in a state of indifference.

His chin was raised slightly, full of arrogance.

Last night, it was too late to socialize and drank a lot of wine. When Pei Hongqin woke up, he had a terrible headache.

Holding his head with one hand, he went downstairs, and saw Yan Yiren sitting there with puffy cheeks, and looking again, Chu Huaijin was sitting there smoking in a good mood, staring at the angry Yan Yiren.

Pei Hongqin walked over and sat down loudly, "Yo, it's early in the morning, is this... a quarrel?"

"Hmm." Young Master Chu responded.

Pei Hongqin smiled maliciously, "Sister Yan, did Ah Jin bully you? Tell me how he bullied you."

After glaring at the gossiping Pei Sanshao, Yan Yiren pouted, "Want to know?"


"Don't tell you!"

Pei Hongqin, "I'll know if you don't tell me."

"What do you know?"

"Husband and wife quarrel, it's just because of that." Pei Sanshao said it seriously, as if he was someone who had experienced it.

Yan Yiren pondered for a few seconds, realized the deep meaning in his words, and became angry from embarrassment, "Pervert!"

He grabbed the pillow casually and threw it at him.

Yan Yiren got up and went upstairs angrily, stomping heavily with each foot, making noise.

It shows that I am angry!
Pei Sanshao's head was still hurting, he narrowly grabbed the pillow that was coming towards the door, and innocently turned his face to Chu Huaijin.

(End of this chapter)

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