Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 250 I only listen to the young master

Chapter 250 I only listen to the young master
Is he for real?

Yan Yiren's heart almost stopped beating. People without fear of heights would not understand the pain she is suffering now.

The kind that makes you dizzy at a glance, and you dare not take a breath, afraid that the glass under your feet will shatter in a second.

She fell from a high altitude and died without a whole body...

Go all the way?

What a joke!
Yan Yiren squatted there, raised her head tremblingly, "I dare not..."

"I know you dare not, that's why I asked you to overcome your fear. Take this step bravely." Chu Huaijin dusted off the cigarette ash, and beckoned Chen Ce to go over. The two chatted and walked away gradually.

When Yan Yiren turned around, there was no one there, and there were only Chen Ce and Chu Huaijin in front of him.

Obviously, he had to force her to take this step. Look at that back, it's really ruthless and cruel!
He didn't even look back at her!
"Hey..." Yan Yiren stretched out his hand, trying to stop him.

He opened his mouth and gave up again.

So what if you call him, he won't let her out anyway.

Yan Yiren buried her head in her knees, making up her mind to spend the rest of her life with him, to see who can beat the other.

"Young Master, Young Master?" Chen Ce noticed that Young Master Chu had lost his mind more than once, and in the middle of the conversation, he had no choice but to call Young Master back to his mind.

"Hmm?" Chu Huaijin responded lightly, instead of focusing on the matter, she asked him, "Do you think she dares to come over?"

Chen Ce followed his gaze, and Yan Yiren was still in that position, squatting on the ground, hugging himself into a small ball, it had been some time.

"I see Xuan. After all, the young lady is afraid of heights, and it is not so easy to overcome."

Chu Huaijin squinted at him, "You mean, I'm too impatient?"

Chen Ce blushed, "Master, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, give the young lady some time to adapt..."

Well, Bai explained!

It's getting darker and darker!

Simply, it is safest for Chen Ce to keep his mouth shut and say nothing.

Young Master Chu snorted coldly, with a lazy posture, leaning against the wall, watching Yan Yiren in the distance.

Half an hour passed, and the person squatting on the ground growing mushrooms in the distance remained motionless.

Chu Huaijin roughly understood what Yan Yiren was thinking, and waved his hand: "Bring in a set of sofas."

"Yes." Chen Ce responded immediately.

Walking out, he glanced sympathetically at the poor young lady, the young master is planning to start a protracted war.

Young Madam, you can ask for more blessings.

The locked door opened from the outside, and the bodyguard came in carrying a set of sofas. Yan Yiren sneaked a quick glance.

The door is open!
She waited for the bodyguard to carry the sofa past her, then moved her footsteps, ready to flee.

"Young Madam, the Young Master said you can't go out." Chen Ce smiled and closed the door in front of her.

That is her door of hope!
Just like that, Chen Ce shut it down!

Yan Yiren was angry and impatient, lying on the door and scratching at it, "Chen Ce, you bastard, open the door for me!"

Across a door, Chen Ce was upright, "Young Madam, you should go and beg the Young Master. I only listen to the Young Master."

To ask Chu Huaijin?
Yan Yiren was like a deflated ball, wilting all of a sudden.

Squat on the ground and continue to consume.

In the distance, sofas, chairs, and desks were brought in. Young Master Chu was playing games leisurely, with fruit snacks and coffee on the table.

He doesn't look like he's here for sightseeing, but he looks like he's settled here!

Too comfortable!
As time passed, Yan Yiren squatted until her legs felt tingling, and she was angry and wronged.

(End of this chapter)

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