Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 256 This Wasn't an Accident, It Was Man-Made

Chapter 256 This Wasn't an Accident, It Was Man-Made


Chu Huaijin said unintentionally, "Go to sleep."

After lying down again, Yan Yiren leaned on his chest, but she didn't feel sleepy anymore.

Affected by the nightmare, it was also difficult for Chu Huaijin to fall asleep, so she just kept her eyes open and looked at the ceiling.

"Master, are you asleep?"

"You can't sleep?"

Yan Yiren raised her head, "I'm curious."


"Vivi's intelligence..."


A suffocating silence.

After a long while, Chu Huaijin didn't have the intention to speak, and Yan Yi just laid his pillow on him again, complaining slightly, "You told me not to hide anything from you, no matter how big or small, I have to be honest with you. But what about you? What? It's not fair to not tell me."


Yan Yiren was still complaining, Chu Huaijin said two words in a hurry, she was confused, "What do you mean?"

The magnetic voice seemed to emerge from the cold pool, "I have a fever and my brain is burned."

Burn out your brain?

Yan Yiren's eyes widened, and the shock in her heart was not small, "How is this possible? There are so many servants in Chu Garden, and the doctor is here... How could Weiwei have a such an extent?"

"You also find it weird, don't you?" Chu Huaijin pinched her chin. Under the dim light, his expression was extremely cold.

Yan Yi's heart trembled, "...Yes."

"Indeed, if it was in Chu Garden, Weiwei would not have been discovered because of her high fever. But if she wasn't in Chu Garden, that's how it happened." Chu Huaijin pinched her fingers and tightened them suddenly, " It's not an accident, it's man-made."

Shocked, stunned, unbelievable...

Yan Yiren's breathing is out of order, artificial?
In other words, Weiwei would have been no different from her peers, enjoying campus life at her young age.

She will be the best girl among her peers.

However, her brain was burned out, and her intelligence became a wound that could never be healed.

Her whole life was ruined just like that.

She couldn't believe that Weiwei was such a beautiful child, how could someone be so cruel!
After the shock, her nose was sore and her eyes moistened.

A line of tears slid down her face.

Chu Huaijin wiped it off with her fingertips, frowning, "Why are you crying?"

Yan Yiren sniffed, feeling ashamed, buried her head in his arms, with a nasal voice, "...I feel sorry for Weiwei."

The generous and warm palm gently patted her on the back, with a sense of comfort.

Gentle enough to drown.

Chu Huaijin rested her chin on the top of her head and rubbed it lightly twice, "Do you now know why I insist on you overcome your weakness?"

The head in his arms hesitated for a while, then nodded.

He lowered his head, brushed away the strands of hair that fell on her cheek, and kissed her on the cheek.

"I don't want you to become the next Weiwei. I can't stay by your side all the time. I just hope that you at least have the ability to protect yourself when I'm not around."

"Asshole, why did you tell me this in the middle of the night." She was so scared now.

Marrying him really opened Pandora's box...

Chu Huaijin smiled and patted her on the back lightly without speaking.


With the episode of last night, after breakfast the next day, I learned that I would go for a walk in the sky.

Yan Yiren opened his mouth, but in the end he obediently accepted without saying anything.

If even Weiwei's child would not be spared, then how could she, as Chu Huaijin's wife, be spared?
【Good night, good night~】

(End of this chapter)

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