Chu Shao's sweet wife is beautiful and wild

Chapter 282 Pretend to be nonchalant

Chapter 282 Pretend to be nonchalant
With a gentle smile on the corner of Young Master Chu's lips, he pushed him out without hesitation or blinking.


On the way to die, Pei Sanshao never tired of it.


In Chu Yuan's car that left, Third Young Master Pei silently lit a cigarette, lowered the window, and lightly dusted the cigarette from time to time.

Yan Yiren gave him a disgusted look, "San Pei, I didn't let you follow."

"Do you think I'm following you?" Pei Sanshao sneered, "I'll go to the city | government | hall!"

"Then get out of the car."

"No way!"

Yan Yiren crossed her arms, "I don't want to give you a ride, get out of the car."

Pei Sanshao pointed at her with his hand holding the cigarette, and was so choked that he couldn't say a word.

Naturally, it was impossible for Pei Sanshao to get out of the car. On the way, if he wanted to throw him down, there was no way!

"I said, who are you going to make an appointment with? I still have some time, maybe I can help you out." Pei Hongqin wisely changed the topic.

Yan Yiren nestled in the car seat, silent.

This is strange!

The chattering person quieted down, and Pei Hongqin couldn't bear to watch the little melancholy and melancholy.

He took a puff of smoke and sneered at her, "I said you can't do it, right? Why don't you just quarrel with Ah Jin? Is it necessary to look like you have nothing to love, huh?"

"Fuck you, you're the only one who has nothing to love." She couldn't even get up the energy to quarrel with him.

"Yan Baozi, let me tell you..." Pei Hongqin suddenly approached mysteriously, "Could it be that you are in love with Ah Jin?"

Yan Yiren stared at him defensively, the panic in his eyes flashed away, "Can you, a big man, stop gossiping like this? Are you annoying?"

Pushing him away, Yan Yiren propped his head on one hand, looking at the unsurprising scenery outside the window.

"You think I'm annoying?" Pei Sanshao chuckled, "Yeah, I want to tell you some good news as a friend. Now, there's no need to drive here."

Pei Hongqin could hold back his words, and if he didn't say anything, he kept silent.

Smoking a cigarette by himself, very leisurely.

Yan Yiren, who was aroused by curiosity, felt itchy, like a cat's paw was scratching. Finally, she couldn't hold back anymore, "What good news?"

"Want to know?" Pei Hongqin glanced at her proudly.

Yan Yiren nodded, "Yeah!"

"Tell me something nice to hear."

Yan Yiren had black lines all over her face, "Third Young Master, you are a good person."


"Third Young Master is handsome and extraordinary."

"It's an obvious fact."

"Then what do you want me to say?" Yan Yiren's eyes widened, with an angry expression on his face.

Pei Sanshao raised his hand to signal her not to get excited. After whetting his appetite, he said slowly, "Do you think I'm idle and would like to bother you? It's because someone was worried and asked me to follow. How about it?" , are you happy?"

Was it Chu Huaijin who asked him to follow?

Yan Yiren curled her lips, turned her head, looked out of the window, and said disdainfully, "What's there to be happy about?"

She pretended to be nothing, but she smiled from the bottom of her heart.

Indeed, without Pei Hongqin's help, what she was going to do later, I'm afraid it would not be possible in a while.

Yan Shudan and Ruan Yufeng took away her inheritance, and they must have lost a lot of connections. She has no connections at all, and it is not an easy task to get her inheritance back.

It's good to have San Pei here, he is a member of the Disciplinary | Inspection |

Don't even want the black hat.

After thinking about it, Yan Yiren decided to reconcile with Young Master Chu when he returns home at night!

(End of this chapter)

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