School grass and I got married

Chapter 37 Rejected in person

Chapter 37 Rejected in person

"Why?" Lin Yiyi was still very happy to get her favorite MP4 again, but what Shangguan Jingchen said made her very confused, "Who are you to me? Why should I listen to you?"

Cut, he is not hers, so why should he care about her?

"The two of us are living together. Who do you think I am yours?" This little girl is really courageous. She dared to accept other boys' things without saying anything, and even dared to refute his words. He will be justified in the future. My dear husband, he is very upset now.

Seeing that she received a gift from another boy, he really wanted to catch that boy and beat him up.How dare you put your idea on his head, isn't it boring?

Lin Yiyi choked on his words and coughed for a while.

live together?How could he say that?If his fans heard about it, she would have to be drowned in saliva.

"What nonsense are you talking about, I warn you, don't tell me nonsense. We are only renting together temporarily."

"Share rent?" Shangguan Jingchen was amused by her words, "That's my home, not rented."

"Isn't it just an analogy?"

Forget it, Shangguan Jingchen knew that it was useless for him to talk more now.

However, he can't take it so slowly anymore, it seems that she really shouldn't be given too much time, otherwise, with her charming personality, I don't know how many things he will do in the future to make him angry Woolen cloth.

After making up his mind, Shangguan Jingchen began to plan what he should do to make her heart truly belong to him.

It's just that he hasn't made up his mind yet, and his own troubles come first.

When seeing Murong Jia, Shangguan Jingchen really didn't recognize him.

"Jingchen, I'm Jiajia, don't you know me?" When Murong Jia saw Shangguan Jingchen, sparks flashed in his eyes instantly.

She stepped forward, wanting to hold his hand affectionately.

Shangguan Jingchen dodged her for a moment, frowning slightly, not remembering who she was.

"Who are you?" Shangguan Jingchen asked in a low voice, but instinctively he didn't want to get too close to this girl.

"I'm Jiajia, we met in the United States, have you forgotten? At that time we were always dating together."

Shangguan Jingchen didn't have such a character in his memory, and with such a beautiful girl, how could he still date her?It is simply nonsense.

"You've got the wrong person." Shangguan Jingchen didn't want to talk too much with her, and wanted to leave after bypassing her.

"Jing Chen." Murong Jia pulled him back, with a pitiful expression on his face, and even managed to squeeze out two tears, "I came here specially to find you, and I transferred here because of you, how could you be like this?" How about cruelty?"

Murong Jia is very beautiful, I feel pity for this appearance, if other boys see it, they will definitely gather around to comfort her.It's a pity that she met Shangguan Jingchen, a boy who only had Lin Yiyi in his heart.

"Let go." Shangguan Jingchen stared at Murong Jia's hand with dark eyes, and said with disgust.

Murong Jia originally wanted to pester him for a while, maybe he would agree to go to dinner with her if she persisted for a while.

It was the same in the United States, although she asked him out ten times, and he agreed to it at most once, but there was still one time, right?
But seeing him so angry, Murong Jia let go of his hand timidly.

"Jingchen, I..." She wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by him.

"Shut up!" Shangguan Jingchen scolded her, "I don't know you, so don't bother me in the future, I don't want you to appear in front of me again."

(End of this chapter)

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