School grass and I got married

Chapter 40 Another Dispute

Chapter 40 Another Dispute (2)

"How dare you push me?" The face of the girl who was pushed and fell was flushed, she stood up immediately, and rushed forward to fight Lin Yiyi.

Lin Yiyi is not afraid of fighting, but she really wouldn't fight with people in such a public place, otherwise it would be embarrassing, wouldn't it?She doesn't want to be the object of other people's good shows, and there are no tickets to collect, why bother?
Dodging her attack for a while, Lin Yiyi said to her: "My aunt doesn't have time to play with you here, I'm still waiting to eat."

"You want to escape, don't you? Don't dream, what are you all doing? You pretend to be a wooden man when you see me being bullied? Hurry up and beat them!" The red-haired girl was so angry that she was about to explode. It was so embarrassing in front of so many people.

The other two girls looked at each other for a while after hearing her words.Then he went forward to surround Lin Yiyi and Song Wan'er.

Looking at this posture, it is really a prelude to a fight.

Rolling up her sleeves, Lin Yiyi asked Song Wan'er: "How is your running speed?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"I don't want to fight with these crazy women. How about this? I'll count one, two, three, and we'll rush out and eat somewhere else, how about it?"

Song Wan'er also wondered if Lin Yiyi would fight regardless, although she was not afraid of fighting, but if it got to her father's ears, she didn't know what to say about her.

Moreover, if her stepmother finds out, she will definitely blow pillow talk with her father, and then come up with weird ways to deal with her.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. Since even Lin Yiyi, a saboteur, doesn't want to fight anymore, she naturally wants to be happy and quiet.


"one two Three……"

As soon as Lin Yiyi finished speaking the word "three", they yelled at the same time, bluffing, successfully bluffing the three people in front, and ran out quickly while they were stunned.

The three girls didn't expect them to run away, so they froze for a moment, and when they wanted to chase them out, they were already gone.

Lin Yiyi and Song Wan'er ran for a while, and when they stopped, they looked at each other, and then laughed together.

This lunch was a thrilling one, and when school was over in the afternoon, Lin Yiyi told Shangguan Jingchen about it as a joke.

Unlike her smiling attitude, Shangguan Jingchen's face was gloomy.

Dare to bully the girl he likes, isn't it courageous?
"Do you know who those people are?" Shangguan Jingchen asked Lin Yiyi.

Lin Yiyi thought about it carefully, but she didn't have such a character in her memory, so she shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't seen them before, what's wrong?"


"Let me tell you, that red hair looks frustrating, not to mention the acne all over his face, but he still has to wear such heavy makeup.

She thought she was so pretty. "Some people just don't have self-knowledge, as if they never look in the mirror when they go out.

"Shangguan Jingchen, do you think I'm pretty?"

Lin Yiyi moved closer to him, staring at him and asking questions with her big eyes rolling around.

She suddenly got so close, Shangguan Jingchen was a little uncomfortable, usually he was the one who teased her, but now it was the other way around.

"Of course." Shangguan Jingchen stepped back slightly, but his tone of answer was still very affirmative, "In my eyes, you are the most beautiful girl in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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