School grass and I got married

Chapter 45 Sweet Threat

Chapter 45 Sweet Threat

Lin Yiyi finally looked like a normal girl this time, her eyes were a little red, looking at Shangguan Jingchen, she didn't know what to say for a while.

It's not that she hasn't been in a relationship before. Although she and Lin Zijun didn't last long, it lasted for a few months. This was her first official relationship.

I have liked many handsome boys before, but none of them felt similar to this time.

Facing Shangguan Jingchen's gaze, she could clearly feel her heart beating faster, thumping, so fast that she could almost hear its beating violently.

In fact, Lin Yiyi didn't dislike Shangguan Jingchen. Like all other girls, when she first saw him, she bumped into him for a long time.

It's just that later because he lived with him and he kept teasing her, she thought he was just teasing her and didn't really like her.

But this time, she won't think so again.

It's just... Lin Yiyi's heart turned a thousand times, she felt that as long as it was a man, no matter how old or young, he would have bad roots.

The easier it is to get, the less you will know how to cherish it.Just like Lin Zijun, because she also had a crush on him, she agreed to date him not long after he confessed his love to her.So much so that he was ready to betray her so soon.With the lessons learned from the past, she felt that it would be better to be more careful this time.

"Shangguan Jingchen, I am very moved. I also accept your intention, but I can't accept you just because I am moved, can I? Besides, I don't know if I like you yet.

So, I will give you a chance to pursue me. If you can impress me, I will agree to be your girlfriend. "Lin Yiyi is like a queen, and it seems that being able to give him the opportunity to pursue her is already a blessing he has cultivated in several lifetimes.

Shangguan Jingchen was not surprised by her words, if she agreed to be his girlfriend immediately, he would wonder if there was a ghost.

"You said that."

Shangguan Jingchen stood up, without any sign of discouragement, he said, "Since this is the case, from now on, you are not allowed to go to any boy, even if other boys come to you, you can't talk to them, and you can't give other boys a look. any opportunity for anyone.”

"Why?" He has made so many demands on her before the formal relationship has started. If the relationship is real, won't she be crushed by him?

"No, I still have the freedom to pursue love, okay? I just promised to give you a chance to pursue me, and I haven't directly promised to be your girlfriend. So, don't you have the right to ask me to know so much?"

"You don't agree?"

"Of course." It's a fool who agrees, okay?

"Okay." Shangguan Jingchen was not angry, but nodded with a smile on his face.

His reaction made Lin Yiyi feel strange, why did he have a creepy feeling?

Sure enough, what he said next made Lin Yiyi's teeth itch with hatred.

"It's okay if you don't agree, but I will tell everyone in the school tomorrow that we are living together now and have been living together for a long time. I don't believe what I said. There will still be boys who like you." Shangguan Jingchen Very rascal.

"You..." Lin Yiyi instantly felt that her head had become two big.

(End of this chapter)

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