School grass and I got married

Chapter 64 Family Conflict

Chapter 64 Family Conflict
Different from their warm atmosphere here, when Song Wan'er returned home, her stepmother was still in the living room, seeing her come back so late, she would be scolded.

"Wan'er, why did you come back so late? Did you go out on a date with someone?" Although Zhang Qin used a question, her tone was affirmative.

She has always been displeased with the daughter born to her husband's ex-wife, and she would criticize her whenever she did something wrong. This time, seeing that she didn't come back in time after school, she began to question her.

"Wan'er, it's normal for a girl your age to have a crush on the opposite sex, but girls always have to pay attention to their reputation, don't they? If people know that our Song family girls go out with other people at night It wouldn't sound good to spread the word." Song Wan'er didn't even admit that she was out on a date, she had already put the hat on her head.

Whenever Song Wan'er sees her stepmother, she is full of anger. What this woman likes most is to push her back, as if she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't scold her a few times a day.

Usually, she can bear it as long as she can, after all, living under the same roof, it is not a pleasant thing to have conflicts.

She didn't say anything, and wanted to go upstairs to rest. She had a fight today and was very tired.

Seeing Song Wan'er ignoring her existence, Zhang Qin was very angry, and she called him to stop: "Wan'er, I'm talking to you, how can I say that I am your elder, ethics is still your mother in name, you are just to me Is it such an attitude?"

It's fine if you don't mention her mother, but she dares to mention her, so she deserves it?

Song Wan'er stopped, turned to look at her, and said with a sneer, "My mother? I'm sorry, if I remember correctly, my mother passed away when I was in the second grade of elementary school. Why, don't you Are you so eager to go down to see my mother?"

"You..." Zhang Qin was so angry that her face turned pale and red, "You child, how did you talk to me? Are you educated?"

"Upbringing?" Hearing these two words, Song Wan'er wanted to laugh out loud, "I'm sorry, I lost my mother when I was young, so I don't know what upbringing is, but I think auntie should be very clear about it? Why don't you come here?" Teach me?"

Hmph, her patience is also limited, don't think that her non-resistance is a sign of cowardice, she is just too lazy to bother with her.

Usually when Zhang Qin talked about her, she was silent, to the point that she thought she was just a bad tempered young lady, but she didn't expect to be so eloquent.

Although Zhang Qin was angry, she also knew that she couldn't just fall out with this child. No matter what she said, she was an elder, and it would lose her face to quarrel with a child.

"Wan'er, I'm teaching you today, not reprimanding you. Since you talk to me like this, I have to ask your father if he can treat me like this."

Her arrogance Song Wan'er didn't pay attention at all.Tell Dad?Do you want to blow the pillow breeze?

"It's okay, go ahead and talk about it, just go ahead and talk about it, oh yes, when you talk about it, I will mention your precious son by the way, I heard that he seems to have gotten into trouble again today."

Her half-brother is also considered weird, he seems to have ADHD, he lives peacefully at school every moment, and has called his parents countless times.

(End of this chapter)

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