School grass and I got married

Chapter 70 Relentless pursuit

Chapter 70 Relentless pursuit
Lin Yiyi heard about Ouyang Luoxuan and Song Wan'er, so she came over at noon to find out gossip.

Song Wan'er didn't expect the news to spread so quickly. It's true that good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

"Yiyi, you're not here to ask me what's going on with Ouyang Luoxuan, are you? Let me tell you, we have nothing to do with each other, and everything is all because of his self-indulgence. If I say this, you are satisfied Is it?" Song Wan'er has been asked by countless people how she and Ouyang Luoxuan got started this morning, and it almost annoys him to death.

Ouyang Luoxuan, it's best not to let her see him, otherwise, she will definitely beat him to the ground.

Seeing that Song Wan'er really hated Ouyang Luoxuan's appearance, Lin Yiyi swallowed the words back.

She patted her on the back, "Oh, what are you doing so angry, right? Isn't it just Ouyang Luoxuan? As for the one who made you so violent. Since you don't like it, just ignore him. Let me tell you , the more you refuse, the more energetic he will be. You don’t know that men are all cheap animals. The more you can’t get it, the more you will find a way to get it. So, no matter what he does or says , you all act as if you didn’t see or hear, two words, ignore!”

Lin Yiyi thinks she needs to be a little bit clearer about Song Wan'er's careful thinking about men.

Song Wan'er thought for a while, and asked uncertainly: "Ignore? Is it possible?" If she didn't say a word, wouldn't everyone misunderstand that she was his girlfriend?Many people already think so.

"Of course." Lin Yiyi patted herself on the chest and assured, "Trust me, I'm right, I've been there, don't you know how to deal with this matter?"

Since she said so, let her try it.

After school, Ouyang Luoxuan waited at the door of Song Wan'er's classroom. When everyone saw him, they all booed, and someone yelled at Song Wan'er: "Wan'er, your boyfriend is here to wait for you. Don't move faster?"

"Boyfriend?" Song Wan'er wondered, when did she have a boyfriend?After tidying up her schoolbag, when she saw the person standing at the door, she wished that there would be a crack in the ground so that she could get in.

Why is he here again, the haunted man?
Pretending not to see, Song Wan'er walked around him and wanted to leave. It's a pity that she could pretend not to see him, but he really saw her.

He grabbed her hand when she passed him, and before she could speak, he pulled her away.

"Ouyang Luoxuan, you bastard, let me go." Song Wan'er kept struggling, her hands were red, but the boy in front of her just refused to let her go.

Ouyang Luoxuan pulled her to a place with fewer people, lowered his head and asked her: "Song Wan'er, tell me, what exactly do you need to do to agree to my pursuit?"

Song Wan'er rubbed her hand that hurt from being pulled, originally she wanted to say that no matter what he did, she would never agree to him.But then I thought about it, maybe the more she said that, the more competitive she would be aroused, and wouldn't she be even more troublesome then?

"Do you really like me?" She looked up and asked him.

"Of course." Ouyang Luoxuan nodded without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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