Medicine door witch

Chapter 1001 Shocking Flip

Chapter 1001 Shocking Flip (2)

After Xuanyuan Gu opened the bronzing official document, he looked at it intently, and gradually frowned.

Then, he raised his head, looked at Xuanyuan Zhiji, and said: "Reporting to the lord, this is indeed the correct handwriting of His Royal Highness, and it is also stamped with the golden seal of the prince. The prince of Dongchen Kingdom is indeed in accordance with the rules and regulations. Called into the palace."

Seeing Xuanyuan Zhiji's unattractive expression, the corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips could not help but draw a satisfied arc.

He has a very good advantage, that is, he is thoughtful, not aggressive, not anxious, and he does things seamlessly, leaving the enemy with nothing to say.

"Well, since you are called into the palace, it is not considered a violation." Xuanyuan Zhiji took a deep breath, and asked routinely, "Luo Ge, why did you come to the Senate?"

Finally got to the point.

A sharp edge flashed across Luo Ge's icy blue eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "I heard that the members of the Senate of the Jialan Empire have some complaints about the major reforms that our Dongchen Kingdom is currently implementing. He was also quite dissatisfied with this matter, and therefore continued to put pressure on his vassal's father."

Xuanyuan Zhiji narrowed his eyebrows slightly, and there was a glint of predation in his eyes.

This relationship is good, he hasn't asked the crime yet, the royal nobles of Dongchen Kingdom, who don't know how to live or die, actually sent themselves to the door to seek death, ha ha.

"The subject's father is old, suffering from illnesses all year round, and under the pressure of the prince, he is really overwhelmed, so he fell ill."

A trace of sadness flashed across Luo Ge's face, and he continued, "Yes, the subject feels that it is necessary to come to the city of God to meet the emperor in person, to explain the current situation of Dongchen Kingdom, and the reform measures regarding Dongchen Kingdom's abolition of theocracy. Pros and cons, please state it to His Majesty the Emperor."

See the emperor?
Statement to the emperor?
Xuanyuan Zhihe's eyes are even more sinister, he is the real ruler of the entire Jialan Empire!

There is no emperor in the Jialan Empire, only the regent!
"And at this time, the subjects just received an urgent letter and invitation letter from His Highness the Crown Prince, and heard that Miss Ling had been wronged in the Senate, so they wanted to come here even more."

The conversation turned to the right path.

"Injustice?" Xuanyuan Zhiji sneered and said, "The first and second counts of homicide against the criminal girl Ling Luo may be just a misunderstanding. But the third crime of conspiracy and incitement, and the fourth crime of mutilating and seriously injuring the royal family are both crimes. Absolutely unforgivable!"

"Crueled and seriously injured the royal family?" Ling Luo raised his head in disbelief, looked at Xuanyuan Zhiji, and said in a neither humble nor overbearing voice, "I wonder when the prince gave Luo'er the fourth crime out of thin air?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Xuanyuan Zhiji became angry, his face became extremely cruel, and his slightly raised eyes were full of deep hatred.

"You still dare to quibble? At noon yesterday, in Moshang Xiangfang, you seriously injured my daughter Yangyue, who is now lying in the Regent's mansion, her eyes were temporarily blinded by you, and she was forcibly beaten by you in the spiritual realm." Entered the vitality of the fire, and received great damage!"

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

All the ministers in the Senate looked at Ling Luo with extremely surprised eyes.

Can you beat Princess Yangyue so badly?
Princess Yangyue's cultivation level is not low. Among the younger generation of women in the Xuanyuan family, she is not considered the top, but she is also a leader.

(End of this chapter)

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