Medicine door witch

Chapter 1005 Ling Luo is acquitted

Chapter 1005 Ling Luo is acquitted (2)

Si Feng raised his head, his face as pale as a dead man was full of deep fear, "It's not Princess Yangyue! Absolutely not Princess Yangyue! I did it myself! It's me! I did it all myself of!!"

The thrilling roar resounded in the main hall of the Senate, but unfortunately, all the eyes cast on him were already full of strong doubts.

Who would believe it? !
"My lord! I'm sorry, I've shamed you and Princess Yangyue!" Si Feng's body collapsed all of a sudden, and he knelt on the ground, unable to move any more.

Xuanyuan Yu narrowed his eyes like black holes dangerously, and the corners of his lips curled up in an extremely sinister arc, and said, "Uncle Emperor, what else can you say?"

Xuanyuan Zhiji was silent.

Yes, he has nothing to say.

In other words, under the current situation, no matter what he justified, it was just trying to cover up.

The situation once again reached an impasse.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

Si Feng, who had been kneeling on the ground, suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, his hair was disheveled, and he seemed to be crazy.

"You don't believe me! You don't believe me, do you? Then Sifeng has no choice but to die! Princess Yangyue, it's your subordinates who have implicated you!"

Si Feng suddenly looked at the guards escorting him again, thinking of hitting the huge golden cauldron in front of him fiercely.

"Bang--" a loud noise.

Blood flowed horizontally and brains splashed.

Sifeng committed suicide in front of the ministers of the Senate in an extremely tragic way.

The extremely bloody scene made everyone's expressions change. Ling Luo even turned his head directly, unable to bear to look directly at it.

Only Xuanyuan Zhiji had a tinge of satisfaction in his eyes unexpectedly, and even the corners of his lips curled into an inaudible arc.


This out-of-control chess piece is worth a little if it dies.

"Have you seen it? It's not my king's daughter who killed Ling Luo in order to show his will!"

Xuanyuan Zhiji seemed to gain confidence all of a sudden, he stood up, his eyes were filled with a frightening gloomy luster.

All were silent.

The witness is dead, and there is no proof of death.

For the first time since Ling Luo entered the Senate, his expression changed, and his whole face turned cold.

"Ling Luo, whether it was you who seriously injured Yangyue, or Yangyue sent someone to assassinate you, let's stop here, and it will be meaningless to pursue it any further!"

Xuanyuan Zhiji made the final conclusion.

Ling Luo's long eyelashes moved slightly, and her brows were slightly drawn, not wanting the extreme anger in her eyes to leak out and fall into the eyes of the enemy.

Xuanyuan Yu came from deep below with a hand, and squeezed Ling Luo's slightly clammy little hand heavily, passing warmth to her.

"Luo'er, the future will be long." He sent her a voice transmission, "The emperor's power in the Jialan Empire has been deeply rooted for more than ten years, and it cannot be shaken in a short while."

Ling Luo bit her lips tightly, and also replied through sound transmission with her thoughts: "It seems that it is impossible to bring down Xuanyuan Yangyue at once."

"There will always be a chance, take your time." Xuanyuan Yu comforted her softly.

Ling Luo's somewhat empty mood finally eased up a little.

That's right, Jinshan can't be swallowed in one bite.

The contest between her and Xuanyuan Yangyue, between Yu and Xuanyuan Zhiji, is just the beginning.


(End of this chapter)

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