Medicine door witch

Chapter 1025 Fusion of 8 Different Fires

Chapter 1025 Fusion of Eight Different Fires (2)

On the surface of the blue planet, burning fiercely was the flaming fox that attacked her just now.

Ling Luo was surprised, but also thankful.

The black extreme fire is the king's fire, and the rest of the ministers' different fires, as soon as they saw it, they couldn't help being overwhelmed by the majesty of the emperor, and they voluntarily fell down and followed it to the death.

Ling Luo opened his eyes suddenly, and within the black pupils, two tiny flames of different colors were burning.

A tuft of gold, a tuft of cyan.

As a result of her thoughts, the punishment fire and the raging fox fire were all under her control.

She opened her arms, and on the palms of her hands, suddenly appeared two clusters of strange fires of different colors, facing the blue icy flames and purple enchanting fires flying from one left and one right.



After the evenly matched different fires collided together, a huge impact heat wave was generated.

The entire trial hall trembled heavily.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Xiling Yunqing clapped the table, unable to sit still, she stood up in shock, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes burst open, staring fixedly at the crystal ball in her hand.

All the descendants of the Xiling clan have been cultivating these eight different fires throughout their lives.

Excellent disciples can fuse one or two different fires, which basically takes more than two years.Those Xiling disciples with relatively mediocre aptitude may not be able to fuse a strange fire in their entire lives.

And this Ling Luo was able to fuse the Punishment Fire and Raging Flame Fox Fire, which had the strongest attack power and the most serious physical damage, in an instant!

This is not the behavior that normal human beings should have at all!monster!Absolute monster!

"Mother, nothing is impossible." Xuanyuan Yu's lips curved into an extremely dazzling arc, and a sharp edge flashed in his deep black eyes, "Because she is my Luo'er, she is the miracle itself."

"Miracle?" Xiling Yunqing's face turned pale, she shook her head, she still couldn't accept this fact, her voice became sharper, "If there are really miracles in this world, let her take these eight All kinds of strange fires that are incompatible with each other are all fused into it!"

Ling Luo's performance against the heavens caused Xiling Yunqing's pride in the glory of the Xiling clan to suffer a very serious blow!
"Eight types?" This time, Xuanyuan Yu was also stunned.

But immediately—

Xuanyuan Yu's black hole-like pupils flashed a peerless sharpness, and the corners of his lips curled up in a sinister arc, and said: "If that person is Luo'er, even if there are eight types, I believe she can do it!"

Mother doesn't know, but he knows it very well.Luo'er's spiritual domain is a vast starry sky like the universe. In this world, what else can't be accommodated by the starry sky of the universe? !


Inside the crystal ball, the golden punishment fire collided violently with the purple charm fire, and the cyan flame fox fire collided violently with the blue ice flame fire.

The remaining six spiritual Chenhuo became alert to the girl in front of them, and no longer attacked rashly, but lined up in a row, waiting closely, staring at Ling Luo tightly.

Ling Luo narrowed her eyes slightly, retracted the golden and cyan flames in her hands, took a deep breath, and said, "It seems that there is no way to subdue you with a different fire of the same level. Fire will do!"

As she spoke, two groups of blazing black flames suddenly appeared on her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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