Medicine door witch

Chapter 1045 Curse of the Stone King

Chapter 1045 Curse of the Stone King (2)

"It's really not there?" Xuanyuan Jing's eyes widened in disbelief, "Brother, I'm so disappointed in you, you used to bring me a few stones no matter where you went to play, this time After waiting for so long, unexpectedly... Didn't even bring me back a piece?!"

The expression on Xuanyuan Yujun's face was very embarrassing, he stretched out a hand, scratched his head, with a flattering smile on his face, and said, "Did you forget..."

Xuanyuan Jing's face turned dark all of a sudden.

"Xiao Jing, don't be angry~~" A certain incompetent brother accompanied him with a smiling face.

Xuanyuan Jing's eyes were completely dark.

"You have been playing outside for a year, and you should have visited all four countries. You even have one stone... even one stone..."

"Well~~" Xuanyuan Yu smiled harmlessly, "Your brother, I have practiced outside, and I have been a beggar for more than half a year. When I was hungry, how could I want to get stones, and stones can't satisfy my hunger."

"Sophistry!" Xuanyuanjing snorted coldly.

Xuanyuan Yu smiled more and more innocently, and said: "How about remembering the account this time first, and I will double the compensation to you in the future?"

"No!" Xuanyuan Yu turned his head, snorting a cloud of cold air.

Xuanyuan Yu's face was smiling so much that he didn't look like himself anymore. He stretched out a hand, patted his quarrelsome sister's shoulder lightly, and asked, "Then... tell me, what do you want?" Only then will you forgive me!"

It was he who made a mistake and must make up for it.

Otherwise, with this little princess's personality, I'm afraid she could bear her hatred for him for a year or so.

Xuanyuan Jing turned her head, cast a slanting glance at Xuanyuan Yu with a very distrustful look, and said, "Then, if you do one thing for me, I'll forgive you, how about it?"

"Just one thing?" Xuanyuan Yu narrowed his eyes sharply, and a gleam of light flashed across his narrowed eyes, "It can't be something outrageous, right?"

He wasn't so naive as to think that Xiao Jing, who was in a state of anger, would throw any good things at him.

"Look at what you said!" Xuanyuan Jing's eyes flickered with disdain, "Do you think your sister and I are the kind of person who would do things that hurt the world?"

"Like!" Xuanyuan Yu nodded without hesitation, looking serious.

The corners of Xuanyuan Jing's eyes twitched, and said: "I originally wanted you to help me undo the cursed stone on the second floor of the Gambling Stone Workshop. Sure enough, you should go to the seventh floor for me and break the biggest and most terrifying cursed stone king!"

"do not!"

Xuanyuan Yu's handsome face collapsed all of a sudden, and his intestines turned green.

"Xiao Jing, you can't be so cruel. Your brother, I am only 22 years old this year. I am in my prime. I haven't married a wife yet, and I haven't had time to have a baby with my future wife. I haven't lived enough yet. Ah!" A certain black wolf let out a miserable cry after being stepped on its tail.

Xuanyuan Jing turned her head, with a demonic grin on her lips, and said, "Who cares about you! If you can't help me break the cursed stone king on the seventh floor, you might as well die."


Ling Luo fell silent, looking far away ==
Why does she feel that Xuanyuan Yu's family, from the old to the young, has a little...a little...

In the end, Xuanyuan Yu was dragged by Xuanyuan Jing to the seventh floor of Tianyuan No. [-] Gambling Stone Workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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