Medicine door witch

Chapter 1082 Yu Practices Bone Pattern Technique

Chapter 1082 Yu Practices Bone Pattern Technique (3)

"That's natural." Ling Luo's beautiful eyes were shining, "How could the secret method entrusted to me by Venerable Moonlight be bad?"

Three hours, exactly the same time as hers.

That is to say, in terms of savvy, she is on par with Yu.

After Xuanyuan Yu comprehended the essentials of the bone pattern technique, he looked eager to try, and his eyes burst out with excitement.

In the Xuanyuan family, for thousands of years, no one has ever been able to learn spells other than Jin Yuan. He Xuanyuan Yu will be the No. 1 who created the world!
"Luo'er, give me your hand."

Following Xuanyuan Yu's wishes, Ling Luo passed her hand over, placing her small palm in the palm of her big one.

In Xuanyuan Yu's black hole-like eyes, a bright golden light suddenly flashed, and at the same time, a very bright ancient rune slowly emerged from the palm of his hand.

"This is—" Ling Luo's eyes suddenly widened, and he held his breath.

"After comprehending the bone pattern technique, I can not only grab other people's precious bone runes, but also visualize the precious bone runes in my own body, condense them outside the body, and gift them who also know the bone pattern technique. of you."

Since Luo'er was able to teach the mysterious and powerful bone pattern technique, how can he, Xuanyuan Yu, be a secretive person.

Everything about him is hers.

Everything about her is his too.

He and she were originally inseparable symbiosis.

Ling Luo was very excited.

This is the first time she has observed the precious bone runes of the Xuanyuan clan so closely.

Such pure power, such powerful spiritual power!
The broken runes that I didn't understand last time all became clear now.

The golden treasure bone rune that emerged from Yu's palm gradually moved to Ling Luo's palm.

Just like that, the precious bone runes of Emperor Xuanyuan Jinyuan's bloodline submerged into Ling Luo's body inch by inch, blended into her blood and bones, penetrated her dantian, and imprinted in her spiritual realm.

Between Ling Luo's brows, a golden glow suddenly shot out. She raised her head, and her waist-length black hair danced in all directions.

The golden light spread from the center of the eyebrows, Ling Luo's whole body exuded a pale golden light, like a goddess.

However, for Ling Luo at this moment, she doesn't know what's going on outside her body, and all her attention is focused on her mental domain.

After the complete Xuanyuan Bone Rune entered her spiritual realm, she was galloping beyond the speed of light in the boundless universe and starry sky.

Finally——Rune found her own momentary planet!
The ancient runes of Emperor Jin Yuan's blood were deeply imprinted on an extremely desolate and inconspicuous planet in the starry sky of the universe.

"Boom—" A loud bang.

Just like the most primitive cosmic explosion, the golden ancient runes endowed a planet with vitality, and boundless energy radiated from the bright golden planet rising at that moment to all directions.

Ling Luo felt her soul tremble.

This huge energy fluctuation is far more powerful and domineering than when eight different fires were fused to create eight small satellites!

Is this the original power of Emperor Jin Yuan's bloodline?
Metal, from rigidity to yang, is invincible.

At this moment, Ling Luo deeply understood the true meaning of these words.

The blood of Emperor Jin Yuan is not inferior to the Jihuo Divine Body in the slightest.

After being impacted by that fierce and domineering energy for a long time, Ling Luo's trembling soul settled down.

(End of this chapter)

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