Medicine door witch

Chapter 1095 The Academy of Saints

Chapter 1095 The Academy of Saints (2)

A smell of urine permeated the air.

The cheap dragon couldn't help frowning, his words were filled with extreme disgust, and said: "What a waste! You can pee your pants in fright if you ask a single word, just like you, you want to get your hands on the throne in vain, you know your star Is Luantu just a minibus snake? You don’t have the fate of a real dragon emperor in this life!”

Xuanyuan Zhiji was stunned by the yelling, completely speechless.

The Xingluan picture behind him turned out to be just a minibus snake?

impossible!Absolutely impossible!
He is the one who wants to be emperor!Shouldn't the emperor's Xingluan picture be a dragon?
Xuanyuan Zhiji's eyes were blank, and he was completely dumbfounded, as if he had lost his soul.

Xuanyuan Yu and Ling Luo stood aside, both of them couldn't help reaching out and covering their noses.

It smells so strong, it's too unbearable, this uncle must be incontinent with urinating and defecating.

"Come here!" Xuanyuan Yu frowned and called out to his subordinates.

Li Kezhong quickly greeted him, bowed and said, "Your Majesty is here, what orders does His Royal Highness have?"

"Uncle Huang is not feeling well, please take care, you send Uncle Huang back to the Prince Regent's Mansion, and let Divine Doctor Liu take good care of him."


Li Kezhong quickly called a team of guards to help lift Xuanyuan Zhihe's limp body and moved them to the carriage outside the Prince's Mansion.

The cheap dragon has also returned from the form of the ancient extremely fire dragon to a black fat cat, humming a happy tune, and rubbed against Ling Luo's leg.

Ling Luo couldn't help laughing, bent down, hugged Jianlong in his arms, and praised: "Good job."

"Hmph, that's it." Jianlong looked very unhappy, "With his virtue, he dared to ride on the head of Grandpa Dragon Emperor, it's just looking for abuse!"

Xuanyuan Yu watched Xuanyuan Zhiji leave, turned his eyes back, looked at Qianlong, and said, "There is one thing that I am very concerned about, prison, what is the Xingluan map you just mentioned?"

Jianlong stretched out his black claws, scratched his black head with a very pleasant expression, and explained: "Whether it is in the sky or in the world, all important members of the royal family will have star luan pictures, which are their guardian spirits. For the real Son of Heaven, the guardian spirit must be the image of a real dragon, but for Xuanyuan Zhiji just now, his guardian spirit is a snake."

A clear smile appeared on the corner of Xuanyuan Yu's lips, and he said, "So that's the case, then wouldn't Uncle Huang never have the luck of being an emperor in his life?"

"That's inevitable." Jianlong snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain, "As for his bearish appearance, he still wants to be emperor, Ba Snake is not even as good as the lowest earth dragon!"

Ling Luo's beautiful eyes were bright, and there was a hint of interest in her eyes. She looked at Qianlong and said, "Can you see the guardian spirit of human beings?"

"Of course!" The cheap dragon raised its tail again, and said, "This emperor was born in the dragon world, and the emperor's guardian spirit star luan map, this emperor can see it clearly."

Ling Luo pointed to Xuanyuan Yu beside him, and said, "What about Yu, what is Yu's Guardian Spirit Star Luan Picture?"

Jianlong squinted his eyes, stared at Xuanyuan Yu's face for a long time, then shook his head.

"What?" Ling Luo was puzzled.

The low dragon's voice was a little depressed, and said: "I only saw nothingness, an endless black abyss, and there is no special dragon totem."

Ling Luo frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "Then... what does it represent?"

(End of this chapter)

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