Medicine door witch

Chapter 1099 The Academy of Saints

Chapter 1099 The Academy of Saints (6)

The second candidate was a handsome young man who looked like a scholar, and what he detected in the mental domain was a city.

Also ineligible.

Seventy candidates were tested consecutively, and only one passed. The spiritual domain was just the size of a country.

In the Holy One Hall, there was a lot of crying, full of disappointment and resentment, and only a small part of them felt proud.

Ling Luo's position was at the back, about four hundred.

When it was her turn to take the test, it was already half an hour later, and out of the first [-] people, there were only about [-] people left in the end.

"Next, Ling Luo."

When Ling Luo heard Xuanyuanwen call her name, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She stepped forward a few steps, and then put her palm on the black magic seal stone in the shape of a lotus flower.

"Huh? Why didn't the light curtain rise?"

Xuanyuanwen frowned.

She has been in charge of the entrance examination for freshmen for three consecutive terms, and has never encountered a situation where the magic sealing stone did not flash the light curtain.

However, in the next moment, earth-shattering changes suddenly occurred in the test hall.

With Ling Luo's Demon Sealing Stone as the center, a vast starry sky suddenly rose in the sky above the entire Holy Hall.

In the starry sky, there are hundreds of millions of planets, among which several are the brightest. The crimson sun-like planets are surrounded by eight satellite fireballs of different colors. The planet lost to the sun, a black planet filled with the ghostly atmosphere of hell.

Inside the Holy One Hall, from the first test group to the No.30 test group, all the people couldn't help raising their heads and looking up at the bright starry sky.

Ling Luo couldn't help being dumbfounded by the concrete effect of the magic seal stone.

"what is this?"

"Which teacher released the star map?"

"Where did the Sea of ​​Stars come from?"

"How is it like the universe!"


Countless exclamations came from the crowd, and no one would have thought that the sea of ​​stars above their heads came from a girl's spiritual domain test.

The first person to react was Xuanyuanwen, who was standing closest, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her eyes shifted from the palm of Ling Luo's contact with the black magic seal stone to the top of her head.

"It's so beautiful!" She couldn't help admiring, a look of yearning flashed across her eyes, "What an amazing spiritual realm this is!"

In the silent hall of Shengyi, where even a needle could be heard falling on the ground, Xuanyuanwen's voice was heard clearly and unmistakably in everyone's ears.

Spiritual domain?
Such a magnificent and bright starry sky is actually the spiritual domain of a certain student?
The expressions on the faces of many students froze, and the expressions of those students who were directly eliminated because of their weak spiritual domains were completely broken.

Finally, under the guidance of Xuanyuanwen's admiration, everyone's eyes focused on Ling Luo.

It's this girl!

This is her spiritual domain!
From the first test group to the No.30 test group, all the invigilators were also stunned, and all their eyes turned to Ling Luo.

Being watched by so many eyes, Ling Luo frowned slightly, and retracted her hand from the black magic sealing stone.

Almost immediately, the vast starry sky above the Holy One Hall disappeared and returned to its normal appearance.

In the first test group, Xuanyuan Yangyue's expression was extremely terrifying, her starry eyes widened, her fists were tightly clenched, her body trembling uncontrollably due to extreme anger.

(End of this chapter)

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