Medicine door witch

Chapter 1107 Breeding Spirit Seeds

Chapter 1107 Breeding Spirit Seeds (4)

A look of joy flashed across Ling Luo's face.

She stood up, with all six senses open, looking far away, and listening intently, about a mile away from here, there was the faint sound of spring water.

Ling Luo squinted her eyes, and set off towards the source of the spring water. When she got to the edge of the spring water, she saw the pair of seniors again.

"Huh? Little girl, why are you here again?" The tall and strong young man was washing clothes by the stream with his bare arms, a big man with a full head.

Ling Luo pursed her lips, and said, "I found the life grass, and buried the spiritual seed. I want to find some water to irrigate the field."

"Found the life grass?!"

On the surface of the slightly rippling water in the deep pool of the stream, a pointed and thin head suddenly appeared, it was the thin and small brother, and he was still holding a writhing and struggling fresh fish in his hand.

Ling Luo nodded and said, "Yes."

"You are simply amazing! A rookie who hasn't entered the Shengxiu Academy has found out all the life grasses. The senior brothers who were expelled from the Shengdan Academy before couldn't do it!" The thin man looked excited Zhise grabbed the live fish and went ashore.

Fatty also looked excited, staring at Ling Luo with burning eyes, and asked, "What's your name? Which royal family lady are you from, who have such amazing talent and insight?"

"My name is Ling Luo. I'm from Xijiu country. I was born in a small family. I'm not a lady from a royal family." She answered truthfully.

"Really?!" The thin man was startled, like a monkey, shaking off the water on his body, and said, "It's not a lady from a royal family."

A friendly smile appeared on the thin man's face, and he said, "My name is Xiling Peak, and I am the third generation disciple of Shengdan Hall. I entered the academy four years ago."

"My name is Jinpeng." The tall and strong fat man also came over and reported his family name, "I am a direct descendant of the Jin family in the seventh county of the Imperial City."

The corner of Ling Luo's lips curled into a faint smile, and said, "It's a pleasure to meet two warm-hearted senior brothers. Thank you again, Luo'er."

"You're welcome, we are also destined." The thin man said with a chuckle, "Jin Peng and I sneaked down the mountain to drink last night, and were caught by the master who returned to the mountain after completing the task. It was a miserable situation. We were fined to carry water and wash clothes." .”

Ling Luo couldn't help laughing.

Although this Xiling Peak is also a member of the Xiling family, he has a very cheerful personality. Compared with the Xiling Queen, Xilingyin, and Xilinghe whom he met before, he is much easier to get along with.

"Can you show me the spirit seed distributed to you?" Xilingfeng looked extremely enthusiastic, "Don't look at me as thin and small, and I am also the young master of the second branch of the Xiling family. There is quite a lot of research on herbs and seeds.”

Ling Luo's eyes lit up in an instant, and he took out the porcelain bottle containing the spiritual seeds from the black jade space ring, handed it over, and said, "Then ask senior brother to take a look."

Xilingfeng took the porcelain bottle with a smile, took off the lid, poured a grain into his palm, and his expression changed immediately.

"How can I give you this kind of spiritual seed? This is simply too bad!"

Ling Luo frowned slightly, and asked in doubt: "What's the matter? I saw these seeds, they are all shriveled, and the vitality inside them is too weak. Presumably they are secondary seeds that are difficult to germinate."

"It's not just the second species?!" Xiling Peak's face had a hint of anger, "This is the dead species of our Holy Pill Hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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