Medicine door witch

Chapter 1110 Black Thorn

Chapter 1110 Black Thorn (1)

Under the control of this sad mood, the surrounding black thorns are growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, getting denser and higher, until finally, submerging Ling Luo's entire body inside.

"Miss Ling, our brothers are here to see you." A loud voice came from a distance.

Two figures, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, came from a distance, with cheerful smiles on their faces.

Xiling Peak's eyesight was extremely sharp, and he quickly noticed something. He stretched out a hand and pointed at the barren field, and his voice was full of anxiety: "Fatty Jin, look quickly, what is growing on that spiritual field?"

Jin Peng looked in the direction that the thin monkey was pointing at, his expression changed suddenly, and his voice raised several tunes: "Is it thorns? I have never seen such a high wall of thorns, it must be ten meters high!"

Xiling Peak's eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief, "No way? Black thorns? Miss Ling, did she really give birth to the spiritual roots of black thorns?"

Jinpeng was a relatively stable person, so he collected his mind, grabbed Xiling Peak's arm, and said, "Skinny Monkey, let's go and have a look first, I feel something is wrong."

"Mm." Xiling Peak's expression also turned serious.

The two of them walked across the barren fields and ridges, and finally came to the edge of the spiritual field covered with black thorns.

From the palm of Xiling Peak, a mass of white earth-centered fire grew, and very carefully approached the nearest huge black thorn that was a foot long.

Suddenly, a black light burst out from the surface of the thorns, and struck towards the fiery center of the earth in Xiling Peak's hand.

The white blazing fire in the center of the earth was crushed in an instant and spread out. Xiling Peak was shocked even more, and involuntarily took three steps back.

"To be able to break the blazing fire in the center of the earth, one of the eight great strange fires of my Xiling family, this should mean that the black thorn is safe."

Jin Peng's expression became more serious. He walked around the Lingtian with a radius of several hundred meters, and stopped at the most important place on the west side.

"Come here, thin monkey, I saw the corner of Miss Ling's clothes, is she stuck in the black thorns?"

"I'll take a look!"

Xiling Peak hurried to Jinpeng's side, and saw that there was indeed a corner of a green lotus-colored dress protruding from the place he was pointing at.

"It's broken! It's really Miss Ling!" A thin layer of sweat dripped from the forehead of Xiling Peak, "The fierce vines and thorns that have been passed down from ancient times are not something three generations of disciples like us can handle. Hurry up! Go ask Master."

"Okay, you stay here and are responsible for Miss Ling's safety, in case there are bad guys coming, I'll go back to the Holy Pill Hall and ask Master to come over!" Jin Peng's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

After half an hour.

Jin Peng brought the master of Shengdan Hall and the previous patriarch of the Xiling family, Xiling Junzheng, to this spiritual field of thorns.

Jin Peng pointed to the huge monster with a radius of several hundred meters and a height of ten meters, and asked, "Master, look, is this a black thorn?"

Mr. Xiling has white beard and hair, a purple-red costume, and a high hairpin on his head, giving him a somewhat fairy-tale charm.

The moment the old man saw the black thorn, he became excited immediately, and said: "That's right, it is the black thorn, an ancient relic. It was unexpectedly cultivated. It's amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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