Medicine door witch

Chapter 1180 Only win, not lose!

Chapter 1180 Only win, not lose! (1)

Xiaoling's complexion was a bit embarrassing, and a layer of lovely pink spread over her ears like smoke.

But even so, he still insisted on dead fish: "Yes... Is there, why don't I remember that I said these words?"

Fan Xi smiled and said: "Your memory is so poor, how could you remember? However, since I was dragged back by you when I was five years old, you have not treated me as a slave, nor granted me slave status , but brought all your precious toys to share with me."

"..." Xiaoling looked away.

Seeing him like this, Fan Xi stopped teasing him, and said, "Let's talk about the business, what are you going to do about the battle with the Holy Fire Hall? Have you found a good teammate for the five-on-five match?"

Xiao Ling shook her head, and said: "I didn't think about it that much, I just wanted to torment that stinky girl, if it doesn't work then I'll just go up and overturn the whole audience by myself."

"That's not what I said, there are rules for fighting in the hall." Fan Xi smiled helplessly, and said, "Lan Lei and Han Zhi are also in the Shengshui Hall, they have been serving you since childhood, take them with you .Then randomly select two from the three generations of disciples of Shengshuitang."

"En." Xiao Ling replied casually, a little absent-minded.

He was still wondering, did he really say that to Fan Xi before?
Sure enough, my memory is really not very good.

*. *. *. *. *. *
Inside the main hall of the holy fire hall, there was an awe-inspiring atmosphere. The six disciples lined up from left to right according to their seniority, standing in the main hall.

On the high seat, Yan Xiang had a solemn expression on his face, with a slightly unkind expression on his face.Xiling Yunqin was sitting on the side, with a gentle smile on his lips, but worry was hidden in his beautiful peach eyes.

"I heard that you have an enmity with Xiao Ling, a second-generation disciple of Shengshui Hall, and you will have a hall battle in the Dawu Arena in a month's time?"

Yan Xiang narrowed his eyes dangerously, and his sharp eyes swept across the faces of the six disciples below one by one.

"Do you know what you are doing? Do you know what Xiaoling's origin is?!"

The scolding sound like the ringing of a bell resounded throughout the hall, everyone's eardrums shook, and their inner ears buzzed.

Master's cultivation has improved again.

"Master, I don't know Xiao Ling's background." Fu Dong, as a senior brother, is always the first to speak up at such times, "But it is true that Xiao Ling bullied my junior sister first, and deliberately invited her After the battle, we have to take over."

"Oh? Then how did Xiaoling bully Luo'er?" The anger on Yan Xiang's face lowered, and he took a deep breath.

Fu Dong reported the detailed situation to Yan Xiang.

"Bastard!" After Yan Xiang heard it, he shouted again, "How dare you bully me on the head of the Holy Fire Hall, even if you, Xiaoling, are the royal family of the Hai Clan, you can't bear it!"

"The royal family of the Hai clan?" Ling Luo looked up in surprise, "Isn't Xiaoling a mermaid?"

Yan Xiang snorted coldly, and said: "Xiaoling is the ninth son of the current King of the Sea. Since 3000 years ago, a clan of mermaids suddenly appeared in the North Sea, and they ruled the sea. There are ancient documents handed down from ancient times. Humans may be descendants of the demon race, and they have always been hostile to humans, and the relationship is very tense."

Descendants of the Demon Race?
This is the first time Ling Luo has heard of this statement.

(End of this chapter)

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