Medicine door witch

Chapter 1184 Octopus Acacia

Chapter 1184 Octopus Acacia (1)

"Yueyue, Xu Huang, Su Yi, the three of you, within a month, whoever can learn the seventh move of the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword will be given priority! Did you hear that?"

"Yes, Dad!"

"Yes, Master!"

Su Yi raised his head, a glint of hope flashed across his eyes, he still has a chance!He still has a chance to help Luo'er!

"Okay, now come to the training ground with Master!" Yan Xiang stood up, with a solemn expression, and said loudly, "There is only one month, and a quarter of an hour cannot be wasted."

All the disciples followed Yan Xiang, turned around and entered the school training ground.

"The second form of the Nine Heavens Lihuo Sword is the supreme offensive form. It comes like a thunderbolt and absorbs its wrath, but it is like the river and sea congealing into a clear light!"

In the palm of Yan Xiang's hand, suddenly there was a simple and simple long sword. While describing the essence of the profound meaning of Jiutian Lihuo Sword to his disciples in detail, he gestured with his hands.

The six disciples all listened intently, with serious expressions on their faces.This is the first time the master has taught them so carefully.

With the determination to win in their hearts, no one dared to be sloppy in the slightest.

Two hours later, Ling Luo, who had the highest understanding, was able to practice the second form of the Jiutian Lihuo sword to the Hinayana stage.

Yan Xiang was very satisfied, and the requirements for the other five disciples were even stricter.

Yan Xiang didn't leave the school training ground until it was getting dark.The other five disciples also left one by one due to exhaustion, leaving only Ling Luo, who was still reluctant to leave.

She practiced swords and became an idiot.

If you don't put in more effort than others, how can you defeat Xiaoling, who is the strongest in Shengshuitang.

When Xuanyuan Yu was in Shengjintang, he heard that Shengshuitang invited to fight against Shenghuotang, and also heard that Xiaoling was deliberately embarrassing Lingluo, so he was anxious.

But because I had a mission, I couldn't get away for a while, and I didn't rush over until late at night.

When he came to the holy fire hall, he saw her practicing sword on the training field at a glance.

Her progress is rapid.

I haven't seen you for two days, and I was promoted to another level.

But - with her current strength, it is simply unrealistic to fight against Xiao Ling who is at the level of King Wu.


He called her, looking a little anxious.

When Ling Luo heard the familiar voice, her heart moved, she subconsciously stopped the sword in her hand, and turned her head.

"Yu." A hint of surprise crossed Ling Luo's face, "It's so late, why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you." Xuanyuan Yu looked worried. He stretched out his long arms and embraced her shoulders, staring at her with eyes like black holes, and said, "The people from Shengshuitang bullied you?"

He just followed the elders of the Holy Golden Hall to do a super-level task. It was only a few days, and she was bullied again here alone.

Ultra-level tasks are far more difficult than high-level tasks. According to the regulations of Shengxiu College, students in the college are not allowed to go in groups without the company of elders.

A helpless smile curled up on the corner of Ling Luo's lips, and he said, "There is a mermaid with a bad brain, who seems to hate me very much, so he came here to make trouble."

"I heard about it." A trace of coldness flashed across Xuanyuan Yu's eyes, "It must be Xiao Ling from the Merman Clan."

"En." Ling Luo nodded, and said, "Master said that the mermaid race is a very powerful race, and it is not easy to deal with. This time in the battle with Shengshuitang, the opponent has a total of three mermaids, and the situation is very unfavorable. .”

(End of this chapter)

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