Medicine door witch

Chapter 1195 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling

Chapter 1195 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling (2)

The rocks were broken and splashed in all directions, the dead trees were broken, and the birds and beasts raced around.

"Hehe." Xiaoling stood in mid-air, with a pleasant smile on her lips, fixedly looking at Xuanyuan Yu below, and said, "Your Yinyue is not as good as that stinky girl. Light is the purest light I have ever seen, and yours is the most turbid and violent light I have ever seen."

Xuanyuan Yu clenched his fists tightly, his black hole-like pupils were filled with raging flames.

He actually knew about Luo'er's Dance of the Silver Moon?

This shark actually knows so much, he must have been secretly spying on his Luo'er for a long time!
The woman who dares to covet him must kill him!

This is the only thought in Xuanyuan Yu's mind at the moment.

Just now I only used [-]% of my strength, just a little bit of testing, this time, I must go all out!
Xuanyuan Yu stretched out his other hand, urging the domineering golden vitality, and a round of golden ancient runes that were exactly the same as the right hand was gradually derived.

Another huge silver moon with a diameter of hundreds of meters rose brightly from the ancient rune.

Xiaoling narrowed his sea-like eyes, he sensed a dangerous aura, the enemy was different from before.

Xiaoling stretched out her hands, and quickly sealed her hands on her chest, and a huge dark blue rune appeared on her chest.

He slowly opened his mouth, and something extraordinary overflowed from his throat.

The art of singing the moon unique to the shark clan.

Commonly known as sound attack.

For the talented mermaids, sound is their greatest weapon.

They can sing the most beautiful voice in the world, and at the same time change the frequency of their voices, making their voices the most terrifying and deadly attack weapons.

Through the dark blue ancient sea clan rune, Xiaoling let out a scream, piercing the clouds and piercing the wind, with a strong chill.

After the infinite expansion of the runes, the scream attacked Xuanyuan Yu's two rounds of silver moons head-on with madness.

This is a battle of the Martial King level!
The merman's Li Xiao collided with Silver Moon Zhan in a world-shattering collision.

The trees in a radius of thousands of miles were not cleared, and the ten-meter-deep soil was lifted up and rose into the air.

After a few breaths.

The huge commotion gradually subsided.

Fan Xi looked at the chaotic battlefield in disbelief, this was the first time he had seen Xiao Ling encounter such a powerful opponent.

For the first time, someone was able to flick Xiaoling's moon singing technique away in person, although Xuanyuan Yu's silver moon had been destroyed by the sound attack, resulting in dense cracks.

Fan Xi's heart rose to his throat.

He wanted to rush up to help, but just after he took two steps, Xiao Ling saw through his intention.

"Fan Xi, you go and stay aside, this man is my prey!"

Xiaoling's eyes as wide as the deep sea aroused a high fighting spirit, and the corners of his lips raised a Shura-like smile, revealing two rows of sharp teeth.

Fan Xi's footsteps stopped, and a drop of cold sweat ran across his forehead.

After getting along for more than [-] years, this was the first time he saw Xiao Ling showing such an expression.

He thought that Xiaoling was a different kind among the mermaids, lazy and nonsensical, not thinking about making progress, but he didn't expect that his bones were also full of desire for fighting.

He knew that if he rushed to the chicken mother-in-law's help at this moment, Xiao Ling would probably kill him as well!

Fan Xi took a few steps back, leaving enough fighting space for his buddies.

At this moment, Xuanyuan Yu's expression also changed.

(End of this chapter)

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