Medicine door witch

Chapter 1197 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling

Chapter 1197 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling (4)

It must be wiped out!

The darkness completely swept Xuanyuan Yu's heart, and his eyes were completely dark.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, evoking an extremely dazzling arc.

It was such a pure and kind smile, but at first glance, it made people fearful and covered in cold sweat.

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out his two hands, drew a very strange arc in the air, and a black skull-sized magic domain appeared, and then pushed towards Xiaoling.

When Black Thorn saw the head-sized Demon Realm, his excited body convulsed.

The demon realm descends on the black thorn.

All the black thorns swelled more than ten times in an instant, becoming extremely thick, and the spikes on the vines also grew several times in an instant, glowing with a palpitating black luster.

The black thorn was nourished by the master's devilish energy, and became more and more insolent, heading towards Xiaoling's direction, attacking 360 degrees without any dead ends.

Xiaoling's complexion suddenly changed.

The art of singing the moon, the water element attack, and alternately, failed to block the crazy and strong black thorns and vines.

All of a sudden, a huge black thorn with a diameter of ten meters jumped and hit his right leg fiercely.

Two one-meter-long spikes pierced directly above his knees, and blood dripped down along the spikes.

The bright red smudged on the aqua blue robe, a large area of ​​dazzling color.


The piercing pain, the demon energy penetrated into the flesh and blood, Xiao Ling felt as if she was being torn apart, and couldn't help letting out a muffled groan.

Seeing Xiaoling's injury, Xuanyuan Yu's lips curled up in a satisfied arc, and an extremely sharp gaze flashed through his black hole-like pupils.

With a wave of his hand, it's now!

All the black thorns obeyed his command, overwhelming and sweeping down.

Xiaoling couldn't dodge in time, surrounded by black thorns, and gradually disappeared.

A huge ball wrapped in black thorns and vines with a radius of several hundred meters was floating in mid-air, surrounded by arrogant demonic energy.

"Xiao Ling!" Fan Xi looked at this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, and an anxious look flashed across his face.

Surrounded by such a terrifying black thorn magic ball, it would be pierced into blood holes by millions of one-meter-long spikes!
Fan Xi is the number one hero of the Hai Clan. Although his cultivation is not as good as Xiao Ling's, he is not far behind.

At this moment, Fan Xi's eyes were cracked, and his eyes were red. He wanted to take a step to save Xiaoling, but unfortunately, at some point, his body was bound by the black thorns that spread to his feet.

Xuanyuan Yu turned his head slowly, with a sullen expression on his face, and said coldly: "I don't want to kill you. It is Xiaoling who wants to get my hands on my woman, and killing him alone is enough."

Although his heart has been eroded by the dark demonic energy, he still has basic reason and judgment.

Fan Xi struggled desperately, but the black thorns became tighter and tighter, making him unable to move.

The sharp thorns of the black thorns did not pierce Fan Xi's body. Obviously, the other party kept his promise and had no intention of killing him.

Fan Xi gave up.

At this moment, I can only pray for a miracle to happen.

Xiaoling, Xiaoling.

You are the most powerful son of Neptune, and the pride of the entire Beiming Sea, you will not fall for no apparent reason like this!
Xuanyuan Yu's gaze was fixed on the huge black thorn ball with a radius of several hundred meters in midair, with a dignified expression.

(End of this chapter)

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