Medicine door witch

Chapter 1199 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling

Chapter 1199 Xuanyuan Yu Fights Xiaoling (6)

And in the densest place where the black thorn vines were scattered, there was a large pool of scarlet blood on the ground.

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out his hand, secretly activated his vitality, and summoned back the black thorn.

The scattered black thorns gathered towards Xuanyuan Yu's palm, and finally condensed into the shape of a black Jingyuan bead.

After this battle, the black thorn was severely injured, and even the luster on the black Jingyuan bead dimmed a lot.

Xuanyuan Yu sighed softly, it seems that this black thorn essence pearl needs to be cultivated for a while.

But that merman was really strong enough, far beyond his pre-calculations.

But—where did that fish go?

Xuanyuan Yu looked around, but he didn't see any trace of Xiao Ling, only a large puddle of blood on the ground, which had already dried up.

But based on the amount of bleeding, it can be judged that the opponent has suffered very serious injuries.

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips curled up in a cold arc. It seemed that he was not the one who lost.

Although he fainted from the impact of the peak sound, he did not receive any substantial physical damage. On the contrary, the mermaid was seriously injured, and he probably escaped with the injury.

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath, left the foot of the Holy Fire Peak, and headed towards the mission hall.

After the battle last night, he had already fully grasped Xiaoling's strength.

Such an enemy, it's nothing to fight against him, if Luo'er confronts her, it will be a real misfortune.

With Luo'er's current strength, even if she improves quickly within a month, the probability of defeating Xiaoling is absolutely zero!
He had to go to the mission hall as soon as possible to take the seventh-ranked mission in difficulty, kill the six-winged and double-headed Fenglei Sea Serpent, take out the inner alchemy, and hand it to Luoer to create silence.

If Luo'er wants to win the current Xiaoling, she must use the poison of silence, so that Xiaoling can't make a sound at all, and can't use the technique of singing the moon.

Although Xiaoling's water element cultivation base is also very strong, but Luo'er's extreme fire is an inextinguishable fire, maybe it can be compared with it.

Coupled with the serious injury I caused to Xiaoling, it is absolutely impossible to recover within a month.

With the poison of silence and severe injuries, Luo'er's winning rate increased!

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips curled up in a satisfied arc, and his figure gradually disappeared in the morning light.

After Xuanyuan Yu walked a long way, Fan Xi slowly opened his eyes.

In fact, he woke up a long time ago, but he didn't dare to make any changes, so he could only use the turtle's breath method to pretend to be dead.

He got up from the grass, and looked around for Xiao Ling with an anxious expression on his face.

However, he could find nothing but blood.

What about Xiaoling?
Where did Xiaoling go?

Fanxi is a little anxious. If the ninth prince most loved by Sea King dies in Tianyuan Continent, then he will be the first to lose his head. Immediately after that, there will be an epic racial war between the Human Race and the Sea Race!

"No! We must find Xiao Ling quickly!" Fan Xi stretched out his hand, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, his face was pale and very ugly, "Xiao Ling is blessed with great fate, she will definitely not die."

Fan Xi took a deep breath, settled down, and began to study the blood left by Xiaoling.

One of the large pools of blood that was about to dry up stretched out.Although the color is very light, it was still discovered by him.

(End of this chapter)

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