Medicine door witch

Chapter 1617 Absconding Plan

Chapter 1617 Absconding Plan (6)

Ling Luo was sitting on a soft chair in the yard, hugging Jianlong who was dozing off with his eyes closed after eating and drinking, leisurely basking in the sun.


A certain wife slave stood behind and leaned over cautiously.

A certain big fat cat in Ling Luo's arms twitched its black pointed cat ears slightly, raised its head, and its red-black eyes narrowed into a mean crescent shape.

Ling Luo acted as if she hadn't heard it at all, she didn't even lift it up, and continued to concentrate on helping the cheap dragon.


Seeing that the little wife hadn't moved, a certain wife slave took another step closer, took off a chair and sat down next to her.

Ling Luo's movement of stroking Jianlong paused for a moment.

"Is Luo'er thirsty, I'll pour you tea for my husband."

In front of Xuanyuan Yu was a stone table with a pot of clear tea on it. The smoke was rising slowly and the fragrance of the tea was overflowing.

A certain wife slave poured a cup of tea very attentively, held the purple sand cup in both hands, and handed it over.

Ling Luo's hand paused, and continued to stroke the hair on the back of a certain big black cat.

Jianlong felt as if there was a mountain pressing down on his back, what strength Xiao Luo had!

"My lady, I was wrong. Forgive me."

A certain wife slave has a very good attitude of admitting his mistakes, and a pair of extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes are full of smiles and pampering.

There was still silence in response to him.

The cheap dragon feels so hard.

He felt that the hair on his back was hurting, but he didn't dare to say anything, for fear of offending Xiao Luo, and she would not smooth his hair in the future.

Hey, Longsheng is really not easy!

Jianlong felt that the hair on his neck was about to be torn off, and he broke out in cold sweat from the pain.

With a scream, he jumped and escaped from Ling Luo's clutches.

At the moment of running away, he bumped into Xuanyuan Yu's wrist.

With a "pop", the purple sand teacup fell to the ground, and the green tea flowed into the grassy ground and seeped in.

The innocent cheap dragon "meowed" and ran away in embarrassment. He will never be a sad sandwich biscuit again.

That couple, let them die!
So, the sad and angry Jianlong ran to the backyard to play with Heiyu.

Ling Luo finally turned her head and looked at Xuanyuan Yu with an expressionless face.

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out his long arms and took his wife into his arms.

The familiar scent of the medicine came along the nostrils, penetrated into his heart, and tickled his heart.

"I haven't forgiven you yet." Ling Luo pushed Xuanyuan Yu's embrace, a crease formed between her brows.

"I know." Xuanyuan Yu lowered his head, buried it on her shoulder, and deeply sniffed the body fragrance overflowing from her fair neck.

Ling Luo's body froze, and she asked, "Then why don't you let me go?"

"Don't let it go!"

He held her tighter and tighter, his voice was full of unquestionable firmness, "I won't let you die!"

"You playful man, you have a lot of criminal records!" Ling Luo pouted, venting her long-standing dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry—" He hugged her tightly, letting her struggle in his arms, and refused to let go.

Her petite and soft body rubbed against her hard chest, and the temperature between the two of them rose inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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