Medicine door witch

Chapter 1623 Thank you husband, love husband

Chapter 1623 Thank you husband, love husband (2)

She took a step towards the sea-blue Shenyuan spar with a radius of 20 meters, stretched out her hands, covered the surface of Shenyuan, secretly mobilized her spiritual power, and used the same method as before to catalyze Shenyuan into A gel-like substance that is half liquid and half gas.

It was crystal clear, with the blue color of the deep sea, and the light flickered slightly, turning into a stream, flowing towards Ling Luo's body.

This time, the amount of Shenyuan is very large, and the refining is continuous.

The streams of spiritual power flowed continuously toward the body of Ling Luo who was reclining on the soft chair in the yard of the wooden house.

As soon as the spiritual power touched Ling Luo, it was like a stream flowing into the sea, and it melted in instantly, without any inappropriateness.

After the sea-blue divine source spiritual power merged into her body, a layer of light gradually appeared on the surface of her body, covering her inside, making her airtight.

"Brother, look at how painful her expression is!"

Xin Kui was very happy, her beautiful eyes were shining brightly, the smile on her lips was getting stronger and stronger, the strength in her hands was gradually increasing, and the speed of refining the Shenyuan spar was getting faster and faster.

She was impatient.

She wanted to immediately see what would happen when such a large amount of divine power poured into Ling Luo's body!
"Xiao Kui, slow down!" The dark side changed slightly, and warned, "If the movement becomes louder, Your Majesty will wake up!"

"I can't control that much anymore! I want her to die in front of me immediately!" The smile on Xin Kui's face was almost ferocious.

Ling Luo, who was sleeping, convulsed as if her body had been hit hard.

Such a powerful force struck, and Ling Luo, who was in a nightmare, was forcibly pulled out of consciousness, her eyes opened suddenly, and her pupils shrank in pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Unable to bear the pain, she raised her head and screamed wildly.

But even so, she still couldn't vent the crazy pain in her body, she felt like she was going to die.

The muscles and veins all over his body were filled with very domineering spiritual power, rushing around without any direction, rushing wildly, and the heaviest rushed towards the dantian.

A strong sense of fear flashed across Ling Luo's heart.

If these spiritual powers like a rushing river flow into her dantian, her dantian will definitely explode on the spot!

The shadow of death gradually swept over her.

She didn't even have time to think about why such a thing happened, and she was about to die.

The feeling of this spiritual power is so familiar!

By the way, when she was in Shengxiu Academy, when she was refining the divine source that Chi You gave her, a similar situation happened!
At that time, there was Yeling helping her.

Now, in the territory of the elves, there is no acquaintance at all besides Yu who has been knocked out by her.

What should I do?
Shenyuan's spiritual power became more and more raging and arrogant, and as her limbs collided violently, she could almost hear the sound of tendons being stretched and burst!
(End of this chapter)

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