Medicine door witch

Chapter 1630 Thank you husband, love husband

Chapter 1630 Thank you husband, love husband (10)

A certain wife slave hummed a happy tune, got up quickly, dressed, washed up, and went to make breakfast diligently.

Ling Luo watched Xuanyuan Yu's back disappear by the door, and the smile on his lips never stopped.

The spirit is very good early in the morning, let's look inside first.

Ling Luo sat cross-legged, with her five hearts facing the sky, and slowly closed her eyes, entering a state of ultimate meditation.

After looking inside, she discovered that the clump of spiritual power that flowed into her body yesterday had condensed into a ball of light, hanging in the center of her dantian.

The spiritual power ball seemed to be very stable, and the airflow on the surface was flowing slowly, with no intention of going berserk at all.

Ling Luo relaxed slightly.

She knew that all of this was due to Yu.

If it wasn't for Yu yesterday, she might have exploded and died.

However, the very serious question before her eyes is how she should deal with this time bomb hanging in her dantian.

In her memory, there seemed to be no solution.

Who can we turn to in times like these?

A person appeared in Ling Luo's mind - Venerable Moonlight.

The master's spirit has been dormant and recuperating in the seal of the Moonlight God King for quite a while, and the master and apprentice have not been in touch for some time.

Ling Luo took out the Moonlight God King Seal from the black feather space ring.

"Master, this disciple has something important to ask you."

Soon, a layer of faint moonlight appeared on the seal of the king of the gods, and the spirit of Venerable Moonlight answered.

"What's the matter, Xiao Luo?"

"The thing is like this..." Ling Luo described the matter about the spiritual power of Shenyuan to the master in detail.

Venerable Moonlight pondered for a moment after listening to Ling Luo's words, and then said: "Since that divine source of spiritual power itself is the power of your previous life, then your body should be able to refine it smoothly."

"Tu'er thinks so too." Ling Luo said with a slightly tangled expression, "But Tu'er suffers from not knowing how to refine it."

Venerable Moonlight said: "You don't know how to refine it because the divine power stored in your dantian is too profound. If you want to refine it, you must cooperate with very advanced exercises."

Ling Luo's eyes widened, and he said, "What kind of exercises do you need?"

"You are now an eighth-level martial spirit, plus your soul power is very strong, and you have a huge source of spiritual power in your body to support it. As a teacher, there is a skill here called the fifth transfer of the god king, which is very suitable for now You come to practice."

Ling Luo looked a little excited.

The bone pattern art taught by Venerable Moonlight last time was a very profound and mysterious art.

I don't know what the fifth transfer of the God King is this time.

"The fifth seal of the god king is a sublime mystery created by the teacher based on the attributes of the seal of the moonlight god king. The so-called five seals are the seal of frost, the seal of ghost, the seal of scorching sun, the seal of green dragon, and the seal of gang wind. "

Ling Luo listened eagerly, unwilling to let go of any word of the master.

"The fifth transfer of the god king, the power is boundless. You can start practicing from the first transfer of the frost seal. If you don't advance to a transfer, you will consume a huge amount of spiritual power. This is the difficulty of this kind of practice. For you Speaking of which, there is no difficulty at all.”

"Yes! Thank you, Master!" Ling Luo's eyes were filled with anticipation.

Venerable Moonlight said with a slight smile: "As a teacher, I will now give you the practice formula of the fifth transfer of the god king, and you will understand it with your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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