Medicine door witch

Chapter 1636 God King 5 Transfer

Chapter 1636 God King Fifth Transfer (7)

Accompanied by a sound of "bang".

The cheap dragon's body changed back to the black cat's form again.

But Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu were still in the sky.

The sudden feeling of weightlessness caused Ling Luo's eyes to widen suddenly, before he had time to react, his whole body quickly fell down.

When he fell, his heart seemed to be tightly held by a big palm, and it was about to be crushed and burst.

"Ahhhhh—" Except for opening her mouth and exclaiming, all she could hear was the whistling wind in her ears.

It wasn't that she didn't want to spread the red flame feathers, but that her heart was so sad that she couldn't condense a trace of vitality.

She never knew that her heart was so fragile.

Could it be that the body that was reborn Duoshe suffered from a heart disease?

Just when Ling Luo felt that her heart was about to die, she suddenly felt herself falling into a very warm and firm embrace.

The familiar masculine scent came to the nose, which is Xuanyuan Yu's unique smell. This smell has fascinated her more than once.

Ling Luo raised her head and saw a perfect jaw.

"Yu—" she softly called his name.

But in the next moment, she discovered something that terrified her!

Behind Yu, there was actually a pair of demon wings!

Ling Luo had seen many illustrations of demons in ancient documents, so she was no stranger to them.

At this moment, spreading behind Xuanyuan Yu is a pair of huge blue-black wings with a width of three feet, exuding an extremely strong dark devilish energy, these are standard demon bone wings!
Ling Luo was shocked by the sight in front of her. Her thin lips were slightly curled up, and she said in disbelief: "When..."

She had never seen such a demon bone wing on him, this was the first time.

"It's now." Xuanyuan Yu lowered his head, staring at her with eyes like black holes, his voice was full of magnetism, "I saw you fall, and I desperately want to catch you, this devil's bone wing It was born from behind automatically."

There are many secrets hidden in his body that he can't sort out by himself.

With the lessons learned from the pair of dark magic pupils, Xuanyuan Yu's psychological acceptance of the appearance of this pair of demon bone wings was also much stronger, and he was not too shocked.

He believed that the pair of wings were born following his inner calling.

He desperately wanted to protect her!
And so the Devil's Bone Wing was born!
Ling Luo's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, her eyes kept staring at the pair of domineering bone wings, and her heartbeat couldn't help but speed up.

"It's so beautiful..." She couldn't help admiring.

These were more evil and powerful than any wings she had ever seen, exuding a strong dark devilish energy, and the surface was bluish-purple.

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips raised slightly, evoking an extremely dazzling arc of evil charm, staring at his wife in his arms with burning eyes, and said, "Are you fascinated by your husband's handsome demeanor?"

Ling Luo couldn't help laughing, and let out a burst of laughter.

This guy Yu is really, in such a crisis situation, he can talk and laugh with a calm expression.

"Yes." She said with a smile, "but my lord, can you get rid of those annoying flies that are chasing us before you fascinate me?"

Xuanyuan Yu raised his eyebrows: "Obey, lady."

When the devil's huge dark bone wings were born, Xuanyuan Yu clearly felt that he had continuously advanced again.

(End of this chapter)

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