Medicine door witch

Chapter 1639 God King 5 Transfer

Chapter 1639 God King Fifth Transfer (10)

Xin Kui bit her lip tightly until blood came out of her bite.

"No, no..."

She shook her head, she didn't believe it.

"He is your lord, our lord, and this will never change! He is my god!" Xin Kui's eyes flashed with an extremely paranoid light.

"Xiao Kui!" An Yi scolded coldly, with a frenzy flashing across his eyes, "Enough!"

"Your Majesty, he was just bewildered. He is still the god of our demon clan. I will definitely let him recover!"

Xin Kui stood up, and suddenly pushed away An Yi who was beside her.

A dark rune of the devil world appeared under her feet, and she settled in front of Xuanyuan Yu in an instant.

Seeing Xuanyuan Yu wanting to go in front of Ling Luo, she quickly stretched out a hand, holding a black scepter with a formidable skull inlaid on top.

Xin Kui's thin lips moved slightly, silently reciting the mantra of the demon world.

After a while, bright red dark devilish energy gushed out continuously from the mouth of the skull of the scepter.

Xin Kui is the second magic envoy of the demon world, and she is best at spells.

As the bright red dark demonic energy became stronger and stronger, Xin Kui shouted: "Lingluo Curse!"

In an instant, within a radius of [-] meters in the sky, the bright red dark devilish energy transformed into a red silk covering the sky and the sun.

Silk and satin, thousands of feet long and thousands of feet wide, surged rapidly, one upon another, wrapping Xuanyuan Yu layer upon layer inside, forming an airtight space with a radius of hundreds of meters.

When Ling Luo turned her head, what she saw happened to be such a scene - Yu was besieged by countless murderous bright red silks.

On her side, Ye Wu flapped her wings and swooped in her direction, holding a simple khaki bottle in her hand.

Ye Wu recited a formula silently, and the khaki bottle instantly became ten meters high in her hand.

She quickly sealed her hands on her chest, and a huge khaki rune emerged. She pushed forward with both hands, and the rune landed on the huge khaki bottle.

"Quicksand body!"

Night Dance launched a fierce attack.

Most of the dark elves are cultivators of earth elements, and the city lord in front of him is best at manipulating Huang Sha.

Under the action of Ye Wu's runes, the vase, which was tens of meters high, fell completely, and the mouth of the vase faced Ling Luo, ejecting thick yellow sand.

A pair of red flame feathers grew from Ling Luo's back, and her figure was so light that she could barely dodge the attack of Huang Shazhu.


Ye Wu's face turned cold, she stretched out a hand, and clenched it into a fist in mid-air.

In the next moment, the pillar of yellow sand, which was ten meters in diameter, suddenly turned into a sandstorm, like a tornado, attacking towards Ling Luo.

Ling Luo's complexion changed slightly.

She keenly felt the danger contained in the sandstorm.

Against the fourth-rank Martial King, you have to use your horsepower at full power from the very beginning, and use all your strength to fight to the death!

Ling Luosu raised her hand lightly, and the King Seal of the Moonlight God appeared in her hand. She secretly stimulated the spiritual power of Shenyuan, and the surrounding air instantly became icy cold.


The seal of the king of the gods was sacrificed, and it became extremely large, with a radius of a hundred meters, exuding a moon-white brilliance and shining brightly.

Shenwangyin faced the sandstorm of Shangyewu head-on.

"Boom" sound.

The sandstorm was immediately knocked into the air, and the seal of the king of gods hammered heavily on Ye Wu's sand vase.

A frozen voice came.

The sandstorm was stopped, and a thick layer of frost quickly condensed on the sand bottle, sealing its mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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