Medicine door witch

Chapter 1641 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade

Chapter 1641 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade (2)

Ling Luo's mind was clear.

She quickly made a seal with her hands on her chest, activating the light bead of divine source of spiritual power in her dantian, unleashing the power as much as possible.

Master Moonlight Venerable said that with her current strength, when using the five transfers of the Divine King, only 20.00% of the divine source of spiritual power light beads in her body can be released to the greatest extent.

But now, I can't control that much.

She's taking a risk.

Ling Luo gritted her teeth, and tried hard to bear the fullness of the huge spiritual power rushing through the meridians in her body, and cold sweat covered her forehead.

Every cell in the body is screaming for pain.

I can't take it anymore!

It's about to burst!
But at the moment when she was on the verge of the limit, she used her terrifying will to force herself not to collapse.


Break through the limit!
"Ghost seal—"

Ling Luo let out a sharp roar, and punched out a perfect ghost mark.

Here's a try.

It is a breakthrough.

At the moment when the second layer of the fifth transfer of the God King was punched out, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and obvious cracks appeared on the surface of the extremely thick rock and iron wall that surrounded Ling Luo.

"Break it for me!"

Ling Luo's eyes opened wide, and the seal of the king of gods in his hands was revealed.

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The eight huge rock and iron walls shattered directly, and rushed towards all directions.

Countless rock fragments burst from mid-air to the ground, smashing heavily into the forest of elves, leaving terrifying deep pits one after another.

Ye Wu was shocked!

Her complexion suddenly changed, she did not expect that a mere eighth-rank martial spirit could defeat the full blow of her fourth-rank Martial King!
"Ghost seal!"

Ling Luo's whole body was filled with the spiritual power of Shenyuan, and he spun around quickly, and after one blow, he used another blow.

She has just thoroughly comprehended the second layer of the fifth transfer of the God King, and she can use it twice in a row. This talent has reached the point of defying the sky!
The second strike is more skillful and powerful than the first strike!

Ye Wu was surprised, but couldn't dodge in time, and was directly hit by Ling Luo's ghost mark. Her whole body was like a broken butterfly, with blood gushing from her mouth, and she retreated heavily towards the rear.

In the end, her body was hit a hundred meters away.

Ye Wu coughed several times in a row, and quickly took a life-saving elixir to stabilize her figure.

But her face was already as pale as a dead person, and her internal organs had been seriously injured.

"No...impossible..." Ye Wu shook her head and looked at Ling Luo with a hellish expression.

Ling Luo walked up to Ye Wu's body, and the corners of her lips curled into an indifferent arc, and said coldly: "In this world, nothing is impossible."

A prophecy.

the next moment.

Above the sky, there was a deafening roar.

Thunder and lightning, criss-crossing.

Ling Luo was slightly startled.

A huge thunderbolt lay across the sky on this side.

At the same time, she instantly realized that the moment she succeeded in cultivating the ghost seal, her cultivation base also instantly improved.

He had been at the peak of the eighth-rank martial spirit before, and there was no way to break through. Now he not only broke through the eighth rank, but also passed the ninth rank directly, and directly advanced to become the Martial King.

Once a cultivator enters the sanctuary of King Wu, he will face the first thunder calamity in his life.


Ling Luo looked at the Heavenly Thunder Calamity that was about to descend on her head, and couldn't help swearing, wanting to scold her.

(End of this chapter)

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