Medicine door witch

Chapter 1646 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade

Chapter 1646 Thunder Flame Brilliant Blade (7)

Watching the enemy go away and gradually disappear from sight.Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu did not catch up either.

They are well versed in the principle of not being chased by the poor, and the most important thing now is to leave the sphere of influence of Bisuo City and march towards the main city of Fuyumu to help the humble dragon get back another dragon horn.

More importantly, to get the fountain of life as quickly as possible, there are still thousands of people waiting for them to rescue in the Golden Luan Hall, the imperial palace of the Jialan Empire.

When leaving, Ming Xiche and Qingcheng Yeling said that gathering the strength of the two of them can only delay for a month at most.

That is to say, within a month, they must get the fountain of life and send it back to the capital of the imperial city on earth.

"Let's go, Luoer."

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers in the air.

Heiyu obeyed her master's call, and flew over quickly, her body became extremely huge in an instant, with wings more than ten feet long, and a big black fat cat was riding on her back.

When Qianlong couldn't support the dragon body form before, it fell directly from mid-air, and it was Heiyu who flew over to catch it.

Xuanyuan Yu supported Ling Luo, who was already out of strength, on Hei Yu's back, letting her lean in his arms.

"Hei Yu, go to the southwest." Xuanyuan Yu ordered in a clear voice.

"Yes, Master." Black Feather whistled lightly, fluttered his wings high, and soared towards the direction of Winterwood City to the southwest.

The area of ​​the elf world is very vast, and the area of ​​the elf forest is even larger than that of Tianyuan Continent, but their population is relatively small, which is the standard for large land and sparse population.

Starting from Bisuo City, even if Hei Yu galloped fast for days and nights, it would take at least three days.

"Yu, I'm so tired." Ling Luo's face turned pale, "I want to sleep."

"Well, lie in my arms and sleep peacefully." Xuanyuan Yu lowered his head, and pressed a kiss as thin as a cicada's wing with his thin lips on his wife's smooth forehead, with a very gentle expression.

Although under normal circumstances, after a cultivator enters the stage, the spirit will be extremely full and the body will be full of strength, but after Luo'er entered the stage of our king, he borrowed the power of the sky thunder and used the Chixiao sword to issue a The lore of Lei Yanhuang blade, the power was squandered by her immediately.

Ling Luo snuggled into Xuanyuan Yu's warm embrace, moved to a comfortable position, her long eyelashes flickered slightly, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep was very solid.

I didn't have any weird dreams like I did a few days ago.

That dark man who always gave her nightmares, rarely visited her dreams today.

When Ling Luo woke up, it was already night.

When she opened her eyes, she found that she was in a strange wooden house.

This wooden house is slightly smaller than the one they lived in before in Bisuo City, with only one room.

The furnishings in the wooden house are also very simple, except that on the walls of the wooden house, there are some hunting special bows and arrows.

The door squeaked, and Xuanyuan Yu pushed the door open and entered.

"Luo'er, you're awake." A look of joy flashed across Xuanyuan Yu's handsome face, he stepped forward a few steps, walked to the side of the bed, and helped her up.

Ling Luo slept for too long, and her head was still a little groggy.

She couldn't help stretching out a hand, gently rubbing her swollen temples, and asked, "Yu, where is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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