Medicine door witch

Chapter 1659 Demon Realm Deputy Lord

Chapter 1659 Demon Realm Deputy Lord (10)

Now the relationship between the demons and the dark elves is very close. In the main city, there is even an elder from the demon world as a guest, and there are not a few demons in Fuyuki City.

After Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu entered the city gate, they went straight to the newly built central temple in the main city of Fuyumu.

Inside the temple, there are the two most important goals of their trip, the fountain of life and another dragon horn of the cheap dragon.

Dark elves are a race yearning for darkness, and most of them like to worship gods at night.

If they were dispatched during the day, it would be too easy to attract the attention of the guards of the central shrine, so Ling Luo and Xuanyuan Yu temporarily stayed in a nearby inn, waiting for the night to fall, mixing with the pilgrims, and acting according to circumstances.

*. *. *. *. *. *

The main city of Fuyuki, inside the central temple.

The third demon envoy, Mo Yun, had a cold face, and with his hands behind his back, he stared fixedly at the thick branch-like fetish enshrined by the dark elves, his brows furrowed involuntarily.

Mo Yun is a confidant of the second elder of the Demon Race.

Although he ranks third among the demon envoys, he is very strong, at least stronger than the second demon envoy Xin Kui who relies on his brother's nepotism.

The two of them are the main force sent by the demons to the elves. The task is to help the dark elves drive away the elves of light, and then control the dark elves as puppets, so that the demons can be the real rulers of the elves.

Xin Kui's strength is weaker than her own, so she was dispatched to Bisuo City, the second largest city in the Forest of Elves.On the other hand, he stayed in Winterwood City and took charge of all core affairs.

Beiming Youxue was wearing a long black dress, with a hollow shawl hanging down, and many bright gemstones on the corners. Her skin was blue, with two pointed ears hanging from obsidian earring.

The queen of the dark elves is enchanting and beautiful, with extremely deep facial features and a strong sense of intrusion. She doesn't even need any makeup to be gorgeous.

The appearance of the Dark Elf Queen and the Light Elf Queen can be said to be two extremes.

Sensing the approach of the woman behind him, Mo Yun turned his head, narrowed his eyes full of demonic aura, and said, "Why do you dark elves enshrine the horns of the dragon clan?"

Mo Yun was well-informed, and recognized the true origin of this long and thick pillar like a branch at a glance.

"The horn of the dragon clan?" Beiming Youxue was stunned for a moment, with a hint of unruly color flashing across her beautiful eyes, and said, "Our dark elf clan enshrines the sacred object left by the dark elf god Amelia. The Dragon Clan has nothing to do with it."

Mo Yun frowned slightly and said nothing more.

He looked down on these dark elves from the bottom of his heart, they were just pawns on the way of the demons' hegemony.

They don't even know what they are enshrining, they really are an ignorant family.No wonder it has been suppressed by the elves of light for thousands of years.

Beiming Youxue is not a fool, so she naturally saw the contempt in Mo Yun's eyes, and she was very upset because of her pride.

Just when she was about to refute, a voice suddenly came from the central temple.

"My lord queen, my lord the third demon envoy, there are two seriously injured demons outside the temple who want to see you."

Beiming Youxue turned her head and saw the number one combat force under her command, that is, Zi Ning, the commander of the First Division.

(End of this chapter)

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