Medicine door witch

Chapter 1661 Betrayal

Chapter 1661 Betrayal (2)

In a few words, I briefly described the matter.

Moreover, An Yi's strong personal emotions are also mixed in it.

The third demon envoy, Mo Yun, frowned even tighter, and with a look of confusion, he asked, "After your majesty was reincarnated, why did you marry Mansha?"

This is what he can't understand the most.

"This is unbelievable!" Mo Yun shook his head again and again, "This is simply against common sense."

"How do I know!" He gritted his teeth angrily, and said with a gloomy expression, "After the reincarnation of the king, he is no longer the original king, at least he never did anything to his cronies and subordinates in the past!"

Mo Yun took a deep breath.

"Actually, what the Fourth Elder said is not entirely true." Mo Yun expressed doubts, and said, "Your Majesty has also done something to his subordinates, and it was deadly."

Guided by Beiming Youxue, the group arrived at the inner hall.

It's a large open space.

In the center of the inner hall, there is a simple-looking well that looks very ordinary. Above the mouth of the well, there is a steady stream of spiritual power overflowing, floating in the entire space.

Beiming Youxue stepped forward, took two large bottles of the fountain of life without any hesitation, put them in a transparent crystal bottle, and handed them to An Yi and Xin Kui.

Xin Kui is already in a semi-comatose state.

An Yi didn't have time to use it first, so he helped Xin Kui refine and swallow the crystal bottle of the fountain of life first.

His conversation with Mo Yun continued.

"Have you ever done anything to your subordinates?" An An obviously disagreed with Mo Yun's statement.

"Yes!" Mo Yun's devilish eyes flashed a strange color, his voice became dark and ghostly, and he said in a deep voice, "The vice-lord of the demon world, Juehe, died in the hands of the king."

An Yi's body suddenly trembled.

A rune was condensed in his hand, and the rune covered the mouth of the fountain of life, and the tangible spring water directly transformed into invisible spiritual power, which flowed crystal clear on Xin Kui's body.

The scorched wound on Xin Kui's face was recovering at a miraculous speed after being baptized by the fountain of life.

The burnt skin is being regenerated, and the scorched black dead skin is gradually falling off, revealing the perfect white newborn skin inside.

"Juhehe..." An Yi murmured, a strange look flashed across his eyes, even the voice didn't sound like his own.

Mo Yun said coldly: "That's right, it's Jue He, the deputy king. To be honest, his status in the demon world was no less than that of the king, and the achievements he made were no less than that of the king, but I don't know why, suddenly He was charged with the heinous crime of treason by the king and executed in public."

An Yi immediately followed Mo Yun's words, and said, "What's even more incomprehensible is that when Vice Lord Jue He was executed, there was a huge blood hole on his chest, which seemed to have been dug out of his heart."

Mo Yun frowned even deeper, and said, "Speaking of which, Vice-Jun Jue He once had the grace of saving his subordinates' lives."

More importantly, the members of the second elder sect of the demon world were all Jue He's direct confidantes.

The inexplicable death of Jue Crane caused some dissatisfaction among the sect of the Second Elder of the Demon Realm.

An Yi is so smart, he immediately understood the meaning hidden in Mo Yun's words, he raised his head, gave Mo Yun a meaningful look, and said, "So, you have some opinions on your majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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