Medicine door witch

Chapter 1671 Spiritual Consciousness War

Chapter 1671 Spiritual Consciousness War (2)

"Demon Race? Who are you?" Zi Ning's face was stern, and the purple aura returned to her side. She stretched out a hand and held it, which happened to be a crystal-clear purple bead, "In and out Of the demon clan in the Central Temple, there are only the third demon envoy Mo Yun, the fourth elder An Yi, and the second envoy Xin Kui, I have never seen you before!"

Xuanyuan Yu remained silent, standing there with an extremely tall figure, and the black clothes on his body moved without wind, exuding a very domineering aura.

When Zi Ning saw that the extremely powerful "demon" in front of him ignored her, she frowned immediately, and said coldly: "In the central temple, only the three masters of the demons I mentioned just now are eligible to use them at will. The Fountain of Life, if your Excellency needs it, please ask the Queen of the Dark Elves to let us know first!"

As the teacher of the first dark elf division, she is a very strict person and wants to follow the rules.

"I am Chi You, the demon god." The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips raised slightly, and an extremely sharp light flashed through his black hole-like eyes.

Zi Ning's complexion changed slightly.

She has heard a little about the division of high-level forces in the demon world.

Above the elders of the demon world, there are seven demon gods who have the ability to destroy the world, and they are far more respected than the three masters of the demon clan who currently live in the main city of Dongmu.

More importantly, news of the revival and rebirth of the demon god Chi You did come from the sea of ​​darkness in the north of the human world.

Regarding the news that An Yi and Mo Yun had betrayed the Dark Lord, Zi Ning, as an outsider, certainly did not know about it, and naturally she would not reject Chi You Demon God.

"Does the Demon God have evidence to prove your identity?" Zi Ning lowered her head slightly, her expression unusually respectful.

Xuanyuan Yu thought to himself, it would be the best if he could not afford to fight.

Moreover, looking at the time now, the second dragon horn of the cheap dragon should have almost fused.

"You want evidence? Hehe."

Xuanyuan Yu sneered, his eyes like black holes suddenly became violent, and a large amount of turbulent dark devilish energy surged out.

"Why does the deity need to reveal his identity to you, an unknown junior?!"

He pretended to be furious, and instantly opened the dark magic eyes, and the violent dark magic energy overflowed from the eyes, instantly blackening the entire inner hall.

Zi Ning only felt that her eyes dimmed, her sight was covered, and she couldn't see anything.

At the same time, the inner hall was filled with strong dark devilish energy, which shocked her and made it difficult for her to breathe.

No matter how powerful her cultivation was, she still couldn't withstand such a powerful attack of dark devil energy.

Every demon can exude dark demon energy.

But with different cultivation bases, the strength of the dark devil energy is also different. The stronger the dark devil energy, the higher the status of that demon clan.

Zi Ning's consciousness began to blur.

She lowered her head in great pain, and was very surprised to see that the half of her exposed arm had begun to corrode at a speed visible to the naked eye, the skin and muscles had begun to be destroyed, and the white bones were gradually revealed.

Zi Ning paled in shock!

This self-proclaimed Chi You Demon God, his dark devil energy can even dissolve the body of her extremely powerful third-rank Martial Emperor? !

It must be Lord Demon God!
It is far stronger than the dark devilish energy emanating from the three demon masters in the main city of Dongmu!

(End of this chapter)

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