Medicine door witch

Chapter 1677 Spiritual Consciousness War

Chapter 1677 Spiritual Consciousness War (8)

No wonder she always has heart palpitations and heartaches. These must be scars branded deep in her soul, and the pain will not be alleviated by falling into reincarnation.

Fierce remorse hits shampoo.

Xuanyuan Yu's body also curled up, wrapping his beloved wife tightly inside, protecting her tightly.

Stop torturing her!
All the pain is directed at him alone!

Since it was the sin he committed, why should she continue to suffer from the pain of her previous life?
It's not fair, it's so unfair to her!

What should he do?
What should he do so that she can relieve her pain and not be haunted by this endless nightmare?

An extremely painful expression flashed across Xuanyuan Yu's face, and there was no focal length in his black hole-like pupils, only waves of regret.His handsome face was hidden in the shadows, the muscles on his face convulsed uncontrollably, and his thin lips lost all blood.

He took the initiative to stretch out an arm, handed it to her lips, and attached it to her ear, like a devil whispering, his voice was full of temptation: "If it hurts, just bite me."

He gave her the most primitive way to vent her pain.

And she did so without hesitation.

The sharp white teeth bit the hard muscle on his arm in an instant, and her pain was as deep as the strength.

Xuanyuan Yu lowered his head, looked at her with a gentle gaze that was almost infatuated, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Seeing the blood slowly pouring out from his arm, Xuanyuan Yu's face was full of distress instead of a trace of pain.

He hugged her, with the other hand, gently stroking her long hair, his thin lips moved slightly, humming a gentle tune that was out of tune, as if he was coaxing a spoiled cat.

Jianlong squatted aside, stunned.

He never knew that a husband could show such a gentle expression to his wife.

It was all blood, so much blood!Xiao Luo bit so hard that he didn't even frown!
Finally, after about a quarter of an hour, Ling Luo's body finally stopped twitching, and the biting on his mouth also stopped.

The pain in the chest gradually disappeared.

The frenzied and out-of-control heart rate gradually returned to its normal frequency, beating again and again, calmly.

There is a strong fishy and salty feeling on the tip of the tongue, very sticky, like...

Ling Luo who regained consciousness suddenly raised his head.

She saw Xuanyuan Yu looking at her tenderly, her face was a little pale, her pair of extremely beautiful peach blossom eyes contained a three-point smile and seven-point doting, and said: "Luo'er, you finally woke up, you can't sleep in the future." Don’t be so frightened anymore.”

Xuanyuan Yu looked at his little wife fixedly, she was like a frightened and bewildered baby bird, her lips were still stained with his blood, bright red, with a different kind of temptation.

"I..." Ling Luo lowered her head and saw the deep bloodstains on Xuanyuan Yu's arm. The blood and flesh were turned out, her beautiful eyes shrank suddenly, her thin lips trembled slightly, and said in disbelief, "I did it?"

"Yeah, you vampire!" A doting smile flashed across Xuanyuan Yu's handsome face like a god, he stretched out a hand, gently scratched her delicate nose, and said, " Your husband is about to be sucked dry by you, are you full, my greedy lady."

(End of this chapter)

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