Medicine door witch

Chapter 1681 Meeting with Chi You

Chapter 1681 Meeting with Chi You (2)

The blinding method of Ling Luo's curse.

"Little Kwai!"

Dark was shocked.

But when he broke through the cover-up method of Ling Luo Curse, there was only an empty space in the huge central temple, and Xin Kui had disappeared.

"Xiao Kui!" An Yi was so anxious that he rushed towards the gate of the central temple, but Xin Kui's escaping skills were superb and he had already disappeared.

Annoyed, An Yi stretched out a fist and slammed it heavily on the wall of the temple.

With a "boom", a huge pit appeared on the wall and sank deeply.

"Damn! That ignorant girl!"

"His Royal Highness Fourth Elder, please be patient." Mo Yun stepped forward, stretched out a hand, put it on An Yi's shoulder, and comforted him, "The second demon envoy is just confused for a while, we can go and give her to An Yi." After chasing it back, and then moving it with emotion and understanding, she will definitely understand your painstaking efforts, Fourth Elder Highness."

Xin Kui is An Yi's favorite.

If he offended An Yi because of Xin Kui when the rebel alliance had just been formed, then His Royal Highness the Second Elder would definitely blame him.

After all, the demon forces on the side of the fourth elder, Anyi, are the most valiant and combative, and they must not be underestimated, and they must be drawn over.

Mo Yun is a wise general who knows how to advance and retreat.

"Thank you, the third demon envoy." An Yi raised his head, his pupils filled with gratitude and guilt.

The corner of Mo Yun's lips curled into a secretive smile, and he said, "The fourth elder's matter is Mo Yun's matter, so don't be polite about the fourth elder. Let's go and chase Miss Xin Kui back now."

"I'll go too." At this moment, a woman's voice came from behind.

Mo Yun and An Yi turned their heads and saw Zi Ning, the commander of the first division of the dark elves.

"The Fountain of Life was stolen, and the sacred object of the Arimian Dark Elf God was lost, and all the subordinates are to blame." Zi Ning's face flashed with deep self-blame.

Beiming Youxue, who had been silent all this time, squinted her eyes, then threw a crystal bottle filled with the fountain of life from her sleeve, gave it to Zi Ning, and said, "Take it to heal, if you can't take the sacred object and life If Zhiquan recovers, I will raise my head to see you."

"Yes, Your Highness the Queen!" Zi Ning bowed, with a very respectful expression.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *
Inside an inn near the Central Temple.

Xuanyuan Yu was packing his bags.

Ling Luo leaned on the edge of the soft couch, looked at her husband with a puzzled expression, and asked, "Yu, are you leaving?"


Xuanyuan Yu neatly packed up the burden, put it on his back, looked at his beloved wife, and said: "We have already got the things, and Luo'er, your body has recovered a lot. The main city of Dongmu should be strictly searched now. If we don't leave again, we are afraid that our lives will be in danger."

Ling Luo deeply thought so, nodded, then got off the bed, put on his coat, and hugged Jianlong.

"Then let's go, go to the thirteenth district, and join Xiao Chi and the queen of the elves of light, Feng Ranxue."

She originally planned to take the cheap dragon to take a trip to the dark swamp, the original territory of the dark elves.

Look at the so-called forbidden area that Yun Jinhan narrated, whether there is the pair of wings that the humble dragon lost.

But now it seems that it is not the time.

"Okay." Xuanyuan Yu nodded, his eyes drifted out of the window, and said, "The sun has already set, and when it gets dark, let's leave immediately while the night is dark."

(End of this chapter)

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