Medicine door witch

Chapter 1683 Meeting with Chi You

Chapter 1683 Meeting with Chi You (4)

"Yeah, it's only been ten days." Xuanyuan Yu said, "After Chi You and Feng Ranxue returned to District [-], they used thunderous violence to quickly kill the light elves of the conservative surrender faction in District [-]. suppressed."

Ling Luo smiled: "Xiao Chi is really good-looking, he really deserves to be my son."

Xuanyuan Yu raised his eyebrows, a sly look flashed across his eyes like black holes, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he smiled evilly, saying: "Luo'er, no matter how good Chi You is, after all, he is only the son he recognized in the previous life, why not... Shall we give birth to one ourselves?"

Ling Luo's ears warmed up, and she immediately understood the sexual hint in a certain big wild wolf's words.

"It depends on God's will to have a baby." Ling Luo coughed lightly, with an unnatural expression on her face.

Xuanyuan Yu was overjoyed immediately, knowing that his wife had acquiesced to him.

"Don't worry, lady, my husband will definitely work hard and work very hard!" A certain wife slave showed his big wild wolf tail and shook it desperately.

Jianlong raised his head, narrowed his red-black eyes slightly, with an unbearable expression, and said: "Hey, you two don't pay attention to it, Xiaoyu is still a minor, so forget it, don't discuss it in front of Xiaoyu. Is it okay to be so obscene?"

"Dirty? Where is it dirty?" Xuanyuan Yu raised his eyebrows, with a look of disapproval, and said seriously, "Husband and wife get married and have children happily. That is the law of heaven and ethics. If you don't allow me to say it, it is against the law of heaven and the law of ethics."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Ling Luo's face.

Jianlong was taken aback for a moment, then randomly showed an expression of admiration to Xuanyuan Yu.

The level of shamelessness of a certain wife slave has soared again, and it has risen to the level of heaven and morality!
The cheap dragon is ashamed.

It seems that his obscene reputation is about to give way to Xian.

Seeing that the cheap dragon was silent, Xuanyuan Yu immediately put on a standard wife-slave face, smiled at Ling Luo in a fawning manner, and said, "My lady, why don't we have a daughter. The son is not good, big brother It's not good."

Ling Luo far eyes ==.

The night is dark, the sky is clear, the new moon is shining, and the stars are twinkling.

A certain wife slave is still chattering with his beloved wife about how nice his daughter is and how annoying his son is.

Ling Luo couldn't help stretching out her hand and digging her ears.

Just when she was so annoyed that it was almost unbearable, she found that someone beside her finally stopped talking, and her voice stopped abruptly.

For a moment, the atmosphere was eerily quiet.

"What's wrong?" Ling Luo turned her head and looked at her husband in great surprise.

There was a deep crease between Xuanyuan Yu's brows, and he said solemnly, "Someone is chasing him."

As soon as Ling Luo heard this, he immediately felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Jianlong also turned his head and looked at the position behind him.

Of all the people here, in terms of net strength, he is the strongest, and his six senses are also the most sensitive.

The pointed meow ears of the cheap dragon trembled, and he felt with his heart, capturing the breath of the enemy.

"A total of four people came, three demons, and one dark elf." The cheap dragon narrowed his red-black eyes dangerously, "Three of them are people we have fought against before, and there is one whose attribute is unknown."

Xuanyuan Yu took a deep breath, facing Hei Yu, and ordered in a deep voice: "Xiao Yu, speed up!"

There are four people on the other side, and there are also four on their side.

But it was obvious that Black Feather's combat power was slightly weaker, so it could be ruled out.Luo'er had just recovered from a serious illness and was not suitable for fierce fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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