Medicine door witch

Chapter 1693 Jue Crane Is Your Benefactor

Chapter 1693 Jue Crane Is Your Benefactor (4)

With a bang, the Well of Life exploded in all directions, turning into ruins.

The divine sense of Jue Crane, which had received the nourishment, rushed out, bursting out with magical light, and the entire inner hall was filled with the dark devilish energy emanating from the divine sense.

In the next instant, the divine consciousness, which had swelled to a diameter of one meter, continuously changed in the thick dark devilish energy, manifesting a human form.

Jue He's tall and handsome voice appeared amidst the dark devilish energy.

After a stick of incense, the transformation was completed, and the dark devilish energy gradually dissipated.

The joy in Mo Yun's eyes disappeared instantly the moment he saw Jue He's face.

"Vice-jun!" Mo Yun's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could this be?"

3000 years ago, when he was in the Demon Realm, Jue He was famously handsome, and he was even as popular as the Dark Lord.

But now, on Jue Crane's face, the dark tentacles that were densely covered with gloom and flickering seemed to be alive, writhing desperately, looking very terrifying and extremely ugly!

"That's the curse of living." Jue He's natural voice was very gentle, but it made people hear the cold chill, "It's left behind by the Dark Lord."

The expression on Mo Yun's face changed from surprise to anger: "The Dark Lord is so hateful!"

Jue He chuckled and said, "As long as it's related to her, Yu will become a lunatic and can do anything."

It's her again.

Mo Yun knew that it was time for him to shut up.

"The deity now needs a body."

Amidst the terrifying tentacles of darkness, the corners of Jue He's lips curled up in an arc determined to win.

"Although it is nourished by the fountain of life, what the deity condenses now is only the continuation of the spiritual consciousness."

Mo Yun hurriedly said: "What kind of body does the vice-june need, my subordinates will help you find it immediately!"

"Before this deity was brutally murdered by the dark lord, he knew that the catastrophe was coming, so he divided his soul and consciousness into several parts. One of them must have fallen into reincarnation. You only need to go to the world to find the reincarnated one. Come with your body, that's all."

Juehe is thoughtful.

He is the kind of smart person who leaves countless retreats for himself with every step he takes.

So what can you do if you seize the house, after all, there is no fit for the body used by your soul.

"Vice-jun is indeed wise and wise!" Mo Yun's face was filled with deep reverence.

Juehe took out a spirit stone from his sleeve, handed it to Mo Yun, and said, "You go to the world now, as long as the spirit stone lights up, it will be where the deity's body is."

"Yes! This subordinate will definitely live up to the vice-june's high expectations!"

Holding the spirit stone, Mo Yun quickly disappeared into the temple.

Jue He crossed his legs and sat down beside the Well of Life. He had just woken up and needed to rely on the spring water to recuperate, otherwise, even his current body would be difficult to maintain.

An Yi and Xin Kui stood on the side, looking at Jue Crane tremblingly, as if they were two wooden stakes stupidly stuck together.

"Both of you, go and get back the other half of this deity's consciousness." After a while, Jue He finally spoke.

An Yi hurriedly said: "Yes! This subordinate takes orders!"

Jue He narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Remember, during the snatching process, you can't hurt Ling Luo in the slightest."

He once sneaked into her spiritual realm, peeked into her memory, and knew her name and some experiences after reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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