Medicine door witch

Chapter 1697 Broken Sword

Chapter 1697 Broken Sword (2)

In Ling Luo's mind, the first thing that popped up in Ling Luo's mind was the side face of Yu, who was as perfect as a god.

Can't go wrong.

The most important thing is Yu.

There was a lot of helplessness in the previous life, and she didn't want to delve into it; but in this life, since she has chosen him, she must not let herself have any regrets.

Ling Luo clenched the Shenyuan Core in her hand, and her chaotic thoughts gradually became clear.

*. *. *. *. *. *
Xuanyuan Yu didn't know the direction, nor how long he had walked.

His mind was a little muddled.

The blood in his whole body was cold.

He just kept walking and walking, and finally, he stepped into a smoky forest inexplicably.

The air was filled with fog, and visibility was very low.

Xuanyuan Yu's face was very pale, like an ascetic, walking forward aimlessly with heavy steps.


It was he who killed her, and someone else saved her. What was beating in her body was the heart of the man who saved her.

He was heartbroken.

He has never felt that even breathing is extremely difficult like now.

The man who saved her is back, will she leave herself?
He doesn't know, he's scared...

If possible, how much he hopes that the person who puts his heart into Luo'er's body is himself!

He suddenly felt that she didn't belong to him anymore.

There is another man whose bond with Luo'er is no less than his own, even deeper than his own.

The feeling of loss made him speechless in frustration.

He wants to have her.

Own her [-]%.

He didn't want any marks left by other men on her body.

He knows he is selfish, but love itself is selfish.

That woman is his wife!

It's Xuanyuan Yu's wife, not Jue He's wife!

"There is a cliff in front of you. If you continue to take a step further, you will die without a whole body."

A cold voice sounded from behind, echoed in the mist, and instantly penetrated Xuanyuan Yu's mind.

The right foot I took was stiff.

Xuanyuan Yu recovered from his chaotic thoughts.

He lowered his head and looked at his feet.

Through the hazy mist, he saw that he was really standing on the edge of the cliff, and there was a bottomless abyss beneath his feet.

There was a chill in my heart.

A layer of white sweat grew on Xuanyuan Yu's back.

He took a deep breath, then slowly retracted his feet, and took two steps back.

Consciousness became clear.

Xuanyuan Yu looked around and found a lush forest surrounded by fairy air.

Yes, fairy air.

The aura is very strong, and it is not the breath of the demons.

"who are you?"

The person who spoke just now can get close to him without him being aware of it, and his cultivation must be very terrifying.

This man is the first one who can make Xuanyuan Yu feel the coercion of fear.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, do you want to know who Jue He is?"

In the mist lingering with fairy energy, a figure like a fairy gradually appeared.

This man, who looks like an exiled fairy, just like walking out of an ink painting, seems to have no feet, because he didn't walk out, but appeared like a phantom in a blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan Yu's eyes widened, staring at this handsome man who looked like a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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