Medicine door witch

Chapter 1699 Broken Sword

Chapter 1699 Broken Sword (4)

But Sword Spirit can't fake it!

No matter what kind of purpose the other party has to get close to him, it is true that it is false.

"The dark lord has saved Juehe's life many times before, and in the end Juehe's kindness was avenged, and he swung his sword at the dark lord." Di Wuchen narrowed his blue eyes and said, "When the dark lord executed Juehe, Had a curse upon his soul."

"Curse?" Xuanyuan Yu frowned.

"The curse of being alive, even if Juehe wakes up and is reborn, his body will still have a very fatal defect." Di Wuchen's eyes fell on the broken sword in Xuanyuan Yu's hand, and said, "That defect can only be broken by Heaven."

Xuanyuan Yu's heart moved, and he clenched the hilt of his sword involuntarily.

He understood Di Wuchen's meaning, in the world, only he can defeat Juehe.

"Why did you help me?" Xuanyuan Yu was puzzled.

The corners of Di Wuchen's lips curled up in a meaningful arc, and he said, "I hope you can kill Juehe."

The expression on Xuanyuan Yu's face suddenly became serious.

Regardless of whether he didn't intend to kill Jue He before, more importantly, Luo'er's heart was always affected by Jue He's life and death.

Sensing Xuanyuan Yu's suspicious gaze, Di Wuchen narrowed his blue eyes slightly, and said: "I also follow orders, master... Master doesn't like him."

The word "Lord God" rushed to the mouth of the throat, and swallowed it vigorously.

Xuanyuan Yu's eyes dimmed slightly, and he said coldly: "Then who is your master?"

The corners of Di Wuchen's lips curled up in a meaningful arc, and he stretched out an extremely slender finger, pointing upwards, his thin lips moved slightly, and spit out a word: "Heaven."

People from heaven?Or God?

There was no room for Xuanyuan Yu to think too much. In the next moment, in this dense forest, there was suddenly a thick fog, and an extremely strong vortex was stirred up.

Xuanyuan Yu couldn't help stretching out a hand to block his eyes.

The wind and fog dissipated.

When Xuanyuan Yu moved his arm away, he found that there was nothing in front of him, and there was no Di Wuchen there.

The phantom of the fairy disappeared.

What didn't disappear was the extremely real broken sword Wangtian in his hand.

Xuanyuan Yu raised his hand, put Wang Tian in front of his eyes, and looked at it carefully.Suddenly, a line of gold-plated characters appeared on Duan Ren like a branding mark.

"The day when the broken sword is recast, when my king returns."

The corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips couldn't help but evoke an evil curve. He understood that this was the codeword given to the master by the sword spirit.

Even if he got something that belonged to him, he would definitely not become a pawn that he manipulated at will, as Di Wuchen wished.

Even for Luo'er, Juehe must not be killed.

He must find a way to get the best of both worlds.


"Yu, where are you?"

"Yu, I can feel that you are near here, please answer me!"

An extremely anxious call came from not far away.

Xuanyuan Yu's heart skipped a beat, this extremely familiar voice was Luo'er!

Luo'er came to look for him?

Xuanyuan Yu's heart, which was already as dead ashes, was beating violently as if it had been revived in an instant.

He was impulsive before, but after Ming Xiche and Qingcheng Yeling said those words, he was in a state of confusion, burned all inside, turned his head and left angrily, without the mood of Gu Nianluo'er at all.

No matter what Jue He is or what his heart is, Luo Er is innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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