Medicine door witch

Chapter 2344 Xun'er's Sweetheart

Chapter 2344 Xun'er's Sweetheart (3)

Uh... What's going on with this delicate father-son relationship?

There are many people in the room, and some people can't stand Xuanyuan Yu's behavior of abusing and loving his son.

For example, Luo Ge.

"Yu, be gentle with the child."

Luo Ge frowned slightly, and a trace of dissatisfaction flashed across his icy eyes, and said, "Little Luo gave birth to Sujue and Suling, and suffered a lot. The heart of the tree of life was swallowed by the child. If it weren't for Juehe Help, bring Qiancheng's heart, Xiao Luo may die."

The expression on Xuanyuan Yu's face became stiff.

"Su Jue? Su Ling?"

How had he never heard of such a name?

Didn't Luo'er give the name of the child in Luo'er's womb? The older one is called Chang Huan, and the younger one is called Chang'an.

"The heart of a thousand cities?"

Qiancheng was split from the main god, and the heart of Qiancheng is the heart of Mansha. How could Juehe have the ability to get it?
Countless questions linger in my heart, and a bad premonition strikes.

The last trace of a smile on the face of a certain wife slave also disappeared.

"Luoer, what's going on?"

Xuanyuan Yu looked at his wife with a serious face.

The light in Ling Luo's beautiful eyes dimmed immediately, and said: "Juehe died, and died with Qiancheng."

Xuanyuan Yu was shocked.

Ling Luo told her husband about Jue Crane in detail.

Inside the wooden house, everyone was silent.

The air also gradually stagnated.

"He... actually..."

Xuanyuan Yu's voice was a little hoarse, and the expression on his face was very complicated.

The greatest love rival in my life.

Usurped his own position and coveted his wife.

Jue He was originally the person Xuanyuan Yu hated the most besides the main god.

However, what he didn't expect was that such a paranoid man would step forward at the most critical moment, save Luo'er's life once again, and indirectly save his two sons.

The tragic death of Jue Crane fulfilled his dream.Became everyone's hero.

He succeeded in having a place in his wife's heart forever.And, unshakable.

Xuanyuan Yu knew that he should be grateful to Jue He.

However, this feeling of aggrieved and oppressed wrung his heart, making him very uncomfortable.

I can only hate myself for being useless.

He failed to fulfill the responsibilities of a husband and protect his wife and children at critical times.

The decisive crane won.

Xuanyuan had to admit it.

The living can never defeat the dead.

Luo'er had already acquiesced, and named the twin sons with Juehe's name, and formed an marriage relationship with Juehe's blood.

Then, Xuanyuan Yu saw Luo Ge.

Luo Ge is back.

Jue He really won completely, and left the only kindness hidden in his heart in the world.

"I am very grateful to Juehe. I owe him more than I can."

Ling Luo sighed softly, with a trace of sadness in her voice, "So, Yu, please allow me to be self-willed and give the child another name."

Xuanyuan Yu was silent.

In this battle, he was a complete loser.

There is no right to refute at all.

"it is good."

After a long time, he nodded and compromised.

"My eyes hurt and I want to rest for a while."

Xuanyuan Yu lay down, closed his eyes tiredly, turned his head, and stopped looking at his wife and children.

He closed all his emotions, not wanting to be seen by anyone.

Seeing this, Ling Luo, Venerable Moonlight and others got up one after another, hugged the two children, and left Xuanyuan Yu's room.

(End of this chapter)

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