Medicine door witch

Chapter 2385 Come to the pot soon

Chapter 2385 Come to the pot soon (3)

With such a leap, a huge crack opened from the center of the bird's nest, and he also jumped onto Yaotian Huofeng's back.

Yaotian Huofeng is the inheritance of the former Huofeng God King family, with the blood of God flowing in his body, he is extremely proud, and he does not allow the killing of children and enemies to do his best on his back.

The fire feathers on Yaotian Huofeng's body stood upside down, pointing at Su Jue's small body like sharp arrows.

"Su Jue!"

Ling Luo, who was on the ground, saw this scene, and immediately turned pale with fright, her son was going to have an accident!
In the past, even though brothers Su Jue and Su Lingxiang had worked together to kill some ancient relics, this one is different, it is a hen who just lost three children.Yaotian Huofeng has clearly resorted to his ultimate move, and obviously wants to fight Sujue with his life.

"Luo'er, don't go."

Xuanyuan Yu stretched out a hand and clasped Ling Luo's arm tightly, preventing her from moving forward.

"Yu, let me go, I'm going to save my son!" Ling Luo looked anxious, eager to get rid of Xuanyuan Yu's restraint.

"A young eagle needs a vast sky. Only by rushing out to fight can it have the power to grow into an eagle." Xuanyuan Yu squinted his black eyes slightly, his voice was heavy, and he looked like a strict father, " The same goes for our son."

Ling Luo was shocked, but still couldn't agree, looking at Xuanyuan Yu, his voice was full of urgency: "But Sujue is only a two-month-old baby..."

"The cubs of the demon clan, from the second day of their birth, don't even think about getting even a little bit of food from their parents. All prey need to be hunted by themselves." Xuanyuan Yu's eyes are like black holes, It was as deep as the sea, "Our sons have been by our side for two months, it's time for them to have a good experience."

Ling Luo was dumbfounded.

She had a lot of words to say, but they rushed to her throat and swallowed them abruptly.

Yu is not wrong.

The cubs of the demons can do this, why can't the sons of gods and demons who are more powerful than the cubs of the demons?

This is a cruel world where the strong prey on the weak. Su Jue and Su Ling must recognize this from the very beginning.

Seeing that his wife's attitude softened significantly, the corners of Xuanyuan Yu's lips curled up in a satisfied arc.

When Ling Luo raised his head again, he happened to see Su Jue's serious expression, his dark eyes were deep, and his magic light suddenly appeared.

He rode on Yaotian Huofeng's back, raised his fist, aimed at the left wing of Yaotian Huofeng, and smashed it down heavily.

Although the fist is small, it is powerful.

Yaotian Huofeng let out an extremely tragic hiss, which was sharp and ear-piercing.

Just hearing a "click", Sujue snapped off Yaotian Huofeng's wings, and immediately, blood rained all over the sky.

Yaotian Huofeng wailed, and fell heavily to the ground from mid-air.

Sujue won.

With one hand, he dragged the fire phoenix wing, which was countless times bigger than his own body, and threw it into the big black iron pot in front of his younger brother Su Ling.

"Your braised bird wings."

Su Jue still had a cool expression, as if he never smiled.

Su Ling was very happy, hurriedly mobilized, and together with Jian Long, began to boil water and pluck the feathers of birds, very busy.

Ling Luo walked up and stared at her eldest son, something flickered in her beautiful eyes.

The eldest is more malleable than the second.

(End of this chapter)

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