Medicine door witch

Chapter 2398 Young master wants to eat you!

Chapter 2398 Young master wants to eat you! (2)

Ling Luo was startled, her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and her slightly anxious eyes turned away from her besieged son.

The Guardian of the Rain Clan on the left was dressed in white, with a silver-white cloak on his head, covering most of his face. On the loose robe, there was a rising green dragon engraved on it.

The Guardian of the Rain Clan on the right is dressed in the same outfit, but judging by her figure, she is a woman, and on her outer robe is embroidered with a soaring Suzaku.

This is Qinglong protector, and Suzaku protector.

At the same time, the Baihu Guardians and Xuanwu Guardians of the Yu Clan surrounded Xuanyuan Yu.

Ling Luo frowned.

The man and woman in front of them had unfathomable cultivation.

At present, what she can sense is that they are all in the realm of the Great Perfection of the Longevity Secret Realm.

But Ling Luo knew in his heart that the strength of these two sealers must far exceed these.

In the confrontation with Wushi, the flying sword of the Sun Temple was damaged, and currently, she doesn't even have a usable weapon by her side.

Even the tree of life was devoured by Su Jue and Su Ling when giving birth.

The situation is very serious.

However, the other party did not give her the time to think about it, and had already started to attack.

"Water Lian Cave!"

The Qinglong protector raised the staff in his hand and chanted continuously, the water-blue gemstone on the top of the staff exuded extremely turbulent water aura.

Immediately afterwards, a huge rotating cave appeared above Ling Luo's head. It was a large black area, and a huge green dragon in the shape of water rushed out, heading towards Ling Luo's body in ecstasy.

Ling Luo's complexion changed slightly, and he dodged to hide.

She subconsciously activated the spiritual power of the holy light, and used the heavenly purification fire to resist it.

An equally huge celestial fire-purifying dragon collided fiercely with the water dragon of the Azure Dragon Envoy.


The dragon of water and fire trembled fiercely in midair, roaring continuously.

"Hehe, you are really stupid to say you are stupid, you must know that water can defeat fire, and you dare to use fire dragon to confront my blue dragon water?!"

On the face of Qinglong Guardian, a look of pride appeared, and his expression was extremely arrogant, obviously the appearance of winning.

However, after a while, the arrogance on the face of the Azure Dragon Guardian could no longer be maintained. The huge Azure Dragon he manipulated was constantly shrinking and turning into water vapor under the burning of the Heavenly Purification Fire.

"Senior brother, I'm here to help you!"

Protector Suzaku let out a coquettish voice, and stretched out the staff in his hand. The vermilion gem at the top exuded a blazing aura of water.

The steaming water vapor in the sky was extremely hot, and under the magic of Suzaku's guardian, it turned into a fiery Suzaku flying with its wings spread out, attacking towards Ling Luo's direction.

Ling Luo's face remained unchanged.

It would be unwise to reload the Blazing Suzaku with the Purifying Fire of Heaven.The best way is to use ice.

Ling Luosu raised her hand and said loudly: "The sky is full of snow!"

This is the great supernatural power learned in Yugong Que in the third heaven.

In an instant, the territory with a radius of thousands of miles was covered with heavy snow, the wind was icy, and thousands of miles were frozen.

The Suzaku, formed by the condensation of blazing water vapor, disappeared and became invisible under the supernatural power of the snow-covered universe.

After Ling Luo possessed Mansha's heart, her spiritual power had been improved by more than one level. The supernatural powers and secret techniques that she had learned before were now tried again, and the effect had increased by a full tenfold.

(End of this chapter)

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