Medicine door witch

Chapter 915 Open it!The gate of ghosts and ghosts!

Chapter 915 Open it!The gate of ghosts and ghosts! (1)

The panic was the moment when the center of gravity was out of balance. Although Ling Luo was bound, her expression was extremely calm, and a sharp edge flashed in her bright pupils.

"What did you say? Let Cang Yu's pupil disappear forever?!"

An extremely gloomy look immediately flashed across Chen Vulture's face, and the green patterns on his hands became brighter.

Ling Luo's citrus was so thick that the thick vines that bound her became more and more powerful, and she was tightly strangled, so painful that she couldn't even breathe!

so painful--

"Bastard! A stinky girl, dare to come and threaten the old man. I haven't seen you for two months, and the fangs in her mouth are getting sharper and sharper. Just watch the old man pull out your fangs!" Chen Jiu became angry and stretched out a hand , the green radiance condensed in the palm of his hand, and hit Ling Luo's abdomen heavily.


Ling Luo suppressed it with all her strength, swallowed the groan in her throat, and a very sharp luster flashed across her bright beautiful eyes.

"Luo'er!" Xuanyuan Yu's pupils flickered fiercely, his canthus cracked, "Let go of Luo'er!"

He didn't dare to act rashly, lest his impulsiveness would kill her.

The old monster in front of him is so vicious, he is so cruel and ruthless that he doesn't hesitate to slaughter the baby, using the baby's flesh and blood to prolong his life.

"Jie Jie Jie, you brat of the Xuanyuan family, as long as you hand over the Jin Yao Tianshu, the old man will let this girl go."

A pair of dry eyeballs protruded from the deep-set eye sockets of Chen Vulture, looking extremely eerie. The corners of the wrinkled lips were slightly raised, revealing an extremely eerie smile.

"Okay." Xuanyuan Yu withdrew the golden vitality in his hand, took out an ancient book carved in stone from the space ring, and put it in the palm of his hand, "This is what you want."

"Take it here!" Chen Jiu's pupils flashed an extremely greedy look.

Jinyao Tianshu——As long as he has this, he can go to the Jialan Empire, use it to threaten the people of the Xuanyuan family, and then make conditions as much as he wants, and get countless things that extend his life.

Xuanyuan Yu's face was tense, and his black hole-like pupils gleamed with an extremely dangerous color, and he took a step in the direction of Chen Jiu.

"I can't give it to him!" Ling Luo's pupils opened suddenly, and he let out a low growl, "Yu, that's yours!"

That was what she fought for him desperately!

If Yu handed it over so easily, wouldn't all the hard work all the time be in vain? !
"Smelly girl, shut up!"

Chen Jiu's face turned cold, and the four thick vines became more and more tightly bound with his anger.

"Chenjiu, do you still want the pupil of Cangyu?"

A dazzling red glow suddenly flashed across Ling Luo's eyes, and as he thought, a red crystal bead slowly rose from the black feather space ring.

The crimson radiance was crystal clear, and with Ling Luo's control, it exuded an extremely quiet luster in the night sky.

"I will tell you, are the pupils of Cangyu actually a pair? Can it open the way to connect to ghosts and ghosts?"

Ling Luo's pupils were extremely bright, and the corners of her lips curled up in a charming arc, extremely enchanting.

"You are a wood cultivator, what effect does a Jin Yaotian book have on you? Xuanyuan Emperor's bloodline, masters come forth in large numbers, martial spirits and martial kings emerge in endlessly, how can you threaten it!"

(End of this chapter)

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