Medicine door witch

Chapter 919 Open it!The gate of ghosts and ghosts!

Chapter 919 Open it!The gate of ghosts and ghosts! (5)

Ling Luo stretched out a hand, and lightly touched the crimson planet that had just been opened.

She wanted to test out what the newly opened spiritual planet was.

Ling Luo closed her eyes slowly, and felt the breath flowing out of this crimson planet with her heart—the breath of death.

Since it appeared in her spiritual domain, it must belong to her and can be used by her.

The extremely strong breath of death, along Ling Luo's hand, came from the crimson planet like a tsunami.

Such an overbearing breath of death!

Ling Luo frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable for a moment.

Of course, only for a moment.

She took a deep breath, emptied herself, and accepted what should belong to her with a very peaceful state of mind.

What about the overbearing breath of death?As long as it can be used by her, it is also a powerful weapon!
Ling Luo's eyes suddenly opened, bursting out with an extremely sharp light of death.

"Accept, [-]%!"

All of a sudden, she felt an extremely powerful force running across her body, filling her body and bones, like a surging river, rushing endlessly through her veins.

Ling Luo has never felt his body full of strength more than now.

It was clearly the breath of death from the underworld, but she felt as close as her own relatives, so familiar that she wanted to cry.

"Open it! The gate of ghosts and ghosts!"

The domineering breath of death radiated from Ling Luo's body, and the crimson light beside her was as bright as day, illuminating the night sky of the imperial city!

In a crimson blazing halo, a huge ancient pattern with a radius of a kilometer suddenly appeared, engraved with complex and interlaced immemorial runes of the underworld, shining brightly.

The world is silent.

The ultimate silence.

The huge rune of the underworld rotates slowly, and in the center is a hole like a black hole. The vortex of the black hole rotates rapidly.

Rotating, rotating, getting faster and faster, the area of ​​the black hole is also getting bigger and bigger.

From the size of a fist to the size of a house, in the end, the summoning pattern of the entire ghostly creature turned into a huge black hole.

Indistinctly, a burst of extremely weird music fluttered intermittently from the huge black hole.

It's bagpipes.

Reminiscent of the bagpipes of death.

As the sound of the bagpipes became clearer, on the edge of the huge black hole with a radius of thousands of miles, the guiding flowers of ghosts and creatures with tens of thousands of skills bloomed.

The road between the human world and the underworld has been opened. ,
Ling Luo's eyes suddenly widened. On the road to the underworld, the blooming manjusawa flowers were ten times larger than those blooming in her absolute spiritual realm. After drinking the thoughts of dead souls, even the color of the petals became more beautiful. The soul-stirring.

Deadly bagpipes.

Chant of the dead.

An extremely tall and handsome figure slowly stepped out of the black hole.

The man was wearing a pitch-black robe, engraved with extremely complicated bright red underworld runes, and his pitch-black hair hung down to his knees, and he could move without wind.

The way the man dressed was very casual, the large robe was very lazy, revealing a large area of ​​white skin on his chest.

The extremely black robe, the extremely red lines, and the extremely white skin color, the three together form an extremely strong visual conflict.

(End of this chapter)

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