Medicine door witch

Chapter 924 Pluto Heechul

Chapter 924 Pluto Heechul (4)


Jianlong didn't speak, but turned his head again, met Taotie's extremely cruel and greedy bright red eyes that were as big as lanterns, and said with a mean smile on his face, "Hey, grandson, that's right, that's right. And you."

Ling Luo felt as if a thunderbolt had struck down from the nine heavens, her whole body was completely petrified, scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.

This silly ×!

Her entire eyes were darkened, and the fists in her long sleeves were suddenly clenched into fists.

She really wanted to rush forward and punch the cheap dragon unconscious!This troublemaker!
Hades' favorite pet, Taotie, one of the four ancient beasts, would he dare to provoke him?Is he itchy or itchy or itchy!
Ming Xiche's face also darkened, and a pair of bright red eyes stared at Qianlong in disbelief, then turned his head, looked at Ling Luo, and said, "Mansha, is that yours?"

"Eh..." Ling Luo bit the bullet and nodded.

Ming Xiche's bright red eyes narrowed, and his gaze full of scrutiny wandered back and forth on the young dragon's body, then a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said, "Not bad. You are not small."

Ling Luo's little heart couldn't help shaking again.

Pluto's words... What exactly do they mean...

Ling Luo's heart started to tremble. If this ferocious boss of the underworld was unhappy, would he kill her along with the cheap dragon, and then serve him as supper for Taotie?
However, at this moment, a shocking situation happened.

The cheap dragon who has always been provoking and provoking Taotie, not only was not swallowed by Taotie as a snack, but the whole beast became trembling. The bright red eyes like lanterns were full of panic and awe. The ferocious miasma has also disappeared.

Taotie, one of the four ancient beasts, one of the four ancient fierce beasts, which was one hundred meters tall and extremely strong, whimpered inexplicably, like a good-looking puppy.

Immediately afterwards, under the extremely surprised eyes of the crowd, Taotie bent his legs and knelt down in front of Qianlong, his haughty and ferocious head also lowered.

"Grandpa, grandpa."

Not just kneeling down, Taotie's call made everyone's jaws drop to the ground.

The cheap dragon's red-black eyes narrowed into a cheap arc, and the two dragon claws were hugging his chest in a serious manner, with a full-fledged look: "Well, good boy."

Be good, sister!

fall! !

"This junior hasn't seen my uncle and grandpa for more than a thousand years. Is my uncle and grandpa okay?"

Taotie's huge and extremely clumsy figure kept shrinking, and soon, it became the shape of the little black dog that was acting like a spoiled child in Hades' arms.

Taotie's heart trembled, his uncle and grandpa didn't even sacrifice the ten thousand zhang dragon body, he is a junior, what is he doing here, if he offends his uncle and grandpa, it will be a disaster!
When I went back to the Dragon Realm last time, I heard my grandpa mentioned my granduncle, saying that the old man went to play in the human world, and if he saw it, he would definitely bring it back to him.

The dragon gave birth to nine sons.

The eldest is Bi Xi, the second is Chi Wei, the third is Pu Lao, the fourth is Bi An, the fifth is Chong Chong, the sixth is Tao Tie, the seventh is Ya Zi, the eighth is Suan Ni, and the old Jiu Jiao Tu.

Taotie also has the blood of a real dragon flowing from his body, and as for the prison of the ancient extremely fire god dragon, he is an important figure in the dragon world.

When Taotie saw the prison, how could he not tremble, prostrate and bow down?

Calling you grandson is flattering you!

(End of this chapter)

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