Medicine door witch

Chapter 942 Imperial City

Chapter 942 Imperial City (2)

"Well. The horses driving are not ordinary horses, but descendants of Tianma, with very fast feet."

Descendants of Pegasus?
Ling Luo was quite surprised. There seemed to be only one horse in the entire Xijiu Kingdom, and it was only used by the emperor when he was on tour.

And the team of carriages they were riding in totaled no less than a dozen horses, which was really a big deal.

"It's so extravagant." She couldn't help sighing.

"Luxury?" Xuanyuan Ze glanced at Ling Luo like a monster, and said, "Everyone in the Jialan Empire who is above the fifth rank is qualified to use this kind of horses, and the nobles in the palace, powerful ministers and wealthy businessmen are even free to use them. But you can't blame Sao Baxing for your lack of knowledge, it's really because your small country of Xijiu is too poor."


In other words, this guy really doesn't show any morals when he hurts others.

Ling Luo didn't bother to talk to him.

Without Xuanyuan Hong's harassment, in the next few days, Ling Luo's life was obviously much more comfortable.

On the sixth day, the carriage team entered the imperial capital of the Jialan Empire.Jie also sent a message, only half a day's drive behind Ling Luo and the others.

After entering the imperial city, Ling Luo opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at the scene outside the window.

The roads of the Imperial City are more than three or four times wider than the roads of Yingyang City. There are row upon row of gorgeous buildings, all kinds of shops dazzle the eyes, and the crowds are bustling.

On the wide streets, four or five gorgeous carriages can drive side by side without appearing crowded.

Inside the imperial city, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and masters gather.

There are only a handful of people in the four affiliated countries who are qualified to come to the Imperial City.

In this street alone, among the crowds, Ling Luo could already sense that there were hundreds of martial artists, dozens of great martial artists, and even one or two martial spirits.

The geniuses and talents of the entire Tianyuan Continent gathered in this treasured land of spiritual water to exhibit their grand plans.

The Imperial City is very large, divided into nine counties and one capital, each of which is half the size of Xijiu Kingdom.The imperial capital in the center is the seat of the real royal family of the Jialan Empire.

The nine counties of the imperial city are each in charge of the nine elders in the Senate.All elders must be very important people in the Xuanyuan family.

It was getting late now, and with the six consecutive days of driving, everyone was already very tired, and the carriage happened to be within the range of Xuanyuanhong's third county, so they simply stopped here.

In the evening, the carriage stopped at the gate of Xuanyuan Hong's Prince's Mansion in the third county.

After getting out of the car, Ling Luo looked at the county palace in front of him, feeling relieved.

It's just a county king's mansion, but it's only a little bit less luxurious than the Xijiu Palace.

Xuanyuan Hong arranged extremely luxurious residences for Xuanyuan Yu and Xuanyuan Ze, and as for her, Ling Luo, she was thrown in an inconspicuous and desolate courtyard.

What's even more outrageous is that there are still a large number of heavy soldiers guarding the door, surrounded in groups, as if it were a scene of being held under house arrest.

"No! Luo'er can't live in such a desolate place alone!" Xuanyuan Yu argued with reason, and a breathtaking cold light flashed in his eyes like black holes.

Xuanyuan Hong was a standard stubborn old man, and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness, Ling Luo is a major suspect in the Senate and is about to undergo the final trial. You know the rules of the Senate in dealing with such serious offenders. Your servant has already granted mercy outside the law. Please don't embarrass your subordinates any more."

(End of this chapter)

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